A plucky 73-year-old woman in Lilburn, Georgia adopted the ensconced defender position in her bedroom when a home invader broke in.

She was on the phone with 9-1-1 when the goblin tried to get into her bedroom.
She fired, hitting him in the shoulder. He screamed out like a little girl.
She chased after him and told him repeatedly to get out. He didn’t seem like he was in that big of a hurry, so she fired a few more rounds to punctuate her commands for him to get out. “GET OUT NOW. WHILE YOU’RE STILL ALIVE!”
Here’s the 9-1-1 call. The shootin’ starts a little after 1:10.
Oh yeah, did we mention that a couple of days later she was at the local police department parking lot handing out snacks to the officers?
That’s one sweet woman.
I have a feeling the boys in blue will be looking out for her.
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Hopefully the SOB gets gangrene, nice shootin’ ma’am.
Must be one of those trans gendered thugs ….. screaming like a little girl I mean.