by John Boch

Piers Morgan.

He’s got quite a reputation.

When some visiting journalists from London were doing a video documentary on Guns Save Life a couple of years ago, I asked the reporter if she had ever run into Piers Morgan in her work.

“Yeah.  I’ve met him.  He’s a douchebag,” she said.


Now that good old Piers got himself outed from one of those wannabe news networks, he’s clutching at straws to remain relevant.

How bad is it?

He’s tweeting to his three dozen followers.

Piers says he’s not finished with the NRA yet.

That’s laugh out loud funny.

Everyone thinks that’s funny.

Even Barack Obama and his staff.

Hey Piers, I got an idea or two where you can stick that finger of yours.

…And it’s not in your nose.

3 thoughts on “SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE: Piers Morgan says he’s not done with the NRA. Yet.”
  1. Piers Morgan probably had a rough childhood.

    I think, John, you’re on the money in your analysis. Why else would this unemployed hack be attacking the NRA other than to keep his name in the news?

    Piers Morgan: Respected by nobody. Wanted by neither America nor Britain.

    Maybe he can go over to the ISIS caliphate and find a job. If he’s lucky they won’t make him wear a burqa.


  2. It’s time for this low life has-been never-was to pack up and go home. If you don’t like the way we do things here, go back to where you came from. And if it’s so great there, why did you come here in the first place?

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