Dr. Kristie Rivers, Internet Doctor.


Anyone can claim to be anything on the Internet.

We knew a gentleman who was a dating and sex advice expert on one popular web forum, while in his real life, he hadn’t had a date with a woman for over a decade.  (We’re not naming names to protect the innocent and guilty alike).

Just this week, we saw a guy who represented himself as “filmmaker professor” at CapitolFax who didn’t know even the fundamentals of copyright law.  It, like the dating and sex advice expert, are proof positive that anyone can claim to be anything on the Internet from the privacy of their mother’s basement.

By the way, did you see the story this week claiming that 10% of America’s workforce goes to work high on marijuana?  We’ll tie that in to this in a moment.  IN the meantime, read on…

Now along comes “Doctor” Kristie Rivers, an internet doctor, writing a piece for the Huffington Post.  She laments “The Questions I Can’t Ask About Guns“.

This so-called pediatric “doctor” opened her piece with this:

The sound of my 5-year-old son’s voice shattered my concentration as I sat at the kitchen table, reading the medical journal that had arrived in my mailbox just that morning.

….”What do you think you would do if there was a real gun in front of you, like at a friend’s house?”

“Well, Mom, I would probably look at it and maybe even touch it… but I definitely wouldn’t pull the trigger.”

You see, I had never really talked to my son about guns before. I never thought I had a need to. We don’t have guns in our house, and he doesn’t play with toy guns, watch violent movies or play video games, so I naïvely thought we were safe. I thought he would not be interested in guns or would just KNOW they are dangerous and not to be touched. To be honest, his answer shocked some sense into me.

She goes on to caterwaul that Florida’s new Docs and Glocks law restricts her ability to ask her patients about guns.

In one sense, it does limit doctors’ ability to ask questions about guns for no good reason to simply harass patients about their gun ownership.  However, if there’s a meaningful health issue, the law allows physicians to ask about guns in the home.  Bet you didn’t hear that on MSNBC, did you?

Anyway, this blonde bimbo doctor hasn’t even taught her own kid – now five-years-of-age – about basic gun safety, “naïvely” assumed her kid knew how to be safe around guns.  Did she do the same thing about fire and electrical hazards, assuming her kid knew not to play with matches or stick utensils into electrical outlets?

At the same time, she wants to lecture you and your kids on the evils of guns.

That’s a special kind of “expert” there.

Remember that little-known fact about how many Americans go to work stoned?

Now we know where the Huffington Post gets so much of their material.

By the way:  If your kid is sick, are you going to take him or her to an internet doctor, or to a specialized expert at a well-regarded medical facility such as the Mayo Clinic, Barnes Jewish Hospital in St. Louis or a similar facility?

I’m going to go Children’s Hospital at Barnes myself.

With decisions come consequences.






9 thoughts on “INTERNET “EXPERTS”: Internet doc dispenses bad medicine at Huffington Post”
  1. I make it a point to never read anything published by Huff Post. Nothing worthwhile there, not even a laugh

  2. Here is a problem. If that kid never had been around any kind of gun – toy or real. How come he knew what a trigger was? And the fact that this was something he should not do?

  3. Take a good look. This is Government run health care.

    10-20 years ago, medical schools taught doctors to think for themselves and that they should be advocates for the patient.

    Now, they are training a whole generation of doctors to “do what they are told”, following prescribed algorithms and flow charts, doing what the government tells them and dutifully recording private patient information in a permanent data base.

    Just look at how screwed up and ignorant this doctor is. Do you understand how much power she has?

    If this piece of work decides a child is in danger because he has a wrong attitude, eats the wrong foods or his parents have not educated him about something, she can break apart that family or label that child with a “diagnosis” that could be used to strip him of his rights later in life.

    Maybe they should start giving a Miranda warning to patients/families before talking to their doctor.

  4. This is a story that I would have liked to have shared across a wider audience, until you chose to call the woman a “blonde bimbo”. Oh well.

  5. Bimbo:
    a foolish, stupid, or inept person.
    a man or fellow, often a disreputable or contemptible one.
    an attractive but stupid young woman

    Tell me: Which of those do you believe aren’t a fair or accurate description of this so-called doctor?

    She’s foolish, stupid, naive, contemptible in her disrespect to your and my Second Amendment rights. And she’s attractive.

    If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck, it’s probably not a velociraptor.


  6. We just transferred my 2 young teenage sons from their pediatrician to our family (internal medicine) doctor. My wife took one boy to the pediatrician for his physical and he told me they told him “Never ever touch a gun.” He said he just didn’t respond. When I took the second one for his physical, the nurse gave him the same instruction. He looked right at me and gave a big smile. The nurse looked a little puzzled, which we both enjoyed.
    What a sad time in America when we have to teach our children that their teachers and doctors are not asking about guns because they, too, appreciate their freedom to own and use guns.

    1. “What a sad time in America when we have to teach our children that their teachers and doctors are not asking about guns because they, too, appreciate their freedom to own and use guns.”


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