Poor Michael Bloomberg.
He had to raid the local bridge club to find a couple of carloads of grandmothers and great grandmothers to fill out his so-called grassroots protest which saw “about a dozen” people show up for a Moms Demanding Action event at a Kroger in East Lansing, Michigan.
Kroger had no interest in playing kissy-face with the moms. The Cinncinnati-based chain didn’t even want to play all that nicely as they initially asked the group to leave the parking lot. Management then spoke briefly to the audience and then bid the interlopers farewell.
The Lansing Journal reported:
Chris Albi, Kroger’s vice president of merchandising for Michigan, said the company’s Cincinnati headquarters was aware of today’s protest, but isn’t expected to change its policy.
Frankly, the numbers turning out at these “Moms Demand Action” events has plummeted. What’s up with that, Shannon? Are your demanding moms getting more action at home or elsewhere? “Great grandmothers demand action” isn’t all that impressive on many levels.
Sorry, Michael Bloomberg. You might have billions of dollars but you can’t buy grassroots with a free t-shirts and lunch. Even a box of Depends isn’t going to do it.
If these are all the “Gun Sense VOTERS” (see sign lower right), then our side will crush them come November.
Another reason you should turn out and vote “GUNS” this November. Let’s make this a drubbing gun-hating politicians won’t soon forget!
Let’s enlighten them. Send everyone down to the southern border to stop the “gun violence”.
Or Detroit. Or Chicago.
These lying Moms Demanded and were sent away..Thank you Kroger.
I’m a little surprised at the tone against older women. I’d venture a guess the majority of us support the 2nd Amendment. Or raised a lot who do. Attack the position they hold not the person.
So, in the age of stupid does, we can’t call an idiot an idiot…
Micky, it’s guys like you that ruin it for the rest of us. Stop playing liberal games and let people be what they want, say what they wand and do what they do without restrictions. These people are idiots and just incredibly stupid and are the reason that this country is going to hell in a handbasket…
Thunderstixx, I wonder if you feel that way about the rights that other people value, like the right to marry the person you love or to choose what happens to your own body. Or do you believe that you are the only person that should get to be what he wants, say what he wants, and do what he wants without restriction.