Despite a man trying to burn down an FAA building, and trying to commit suicide, the event is underway with what’s now approaching 300 participants. The FAA building fire tied up air traffic near Chicago for much of yesterday morning, threatening to keep a number of GRPC participants from flying in.
(Rumor has it the mayor will make a full recovery…)
It looks as though some of those folks who couldn’t make it yesterday are now arriving today.
Allen Youngerman, the executive director of the Defense Small Arms Advisory Council, asking why all these no-guns signs in Illinois feature a Beretta 92 instead of a Colt 1911.
Participants pay close attention to the fantastic speakers sharing their expertise in what works to promote our civil rights.
It was far from a dull conference!
Lots of husband and wives here together. It’s tough to beat a dedicated husband and wife pro-gun team of volunteer activists.
Participants from outside the Midwest discovered GunNews Magazine, the all-volunteer publication from Guns Save Life!
ISRA’s executive director Richard Pearson on the front row.
Alan Gura, superstar landmark civil rights litigator!
4 thoughts on “GOOD GUYS MEET! Gun Rights Policy Conference underway! Photos inside…”
Still don’t understand why they would hold this event IN Chitcago. It is regularly recommended to us to avoid it for safety reasons, and to not spend our money there.
I for one follow that recommendation.
We can and DO Conceal Carry…so why not go to Chicago?
For the same reason that NRA will probably never hold its national convention there. Why have attendees come and spend money in a town that is totally anti-gun? There are nearby towns/cities that are very gun friendly, but still in the Chitcago area. Holding it there would support them financially, and send the same message.
Just because we do carry does not mean we should go to areas we might otherwise avoid. As they teach in the classes, the best way to win a gunfight is to not be there. Why go to a dangerous town like Chitcago if you don’t have to?
The fact that it’s in Chicago lets the anti’s know we are here and we ain’t leaving. It shows the public that all these gun owners and gun carriers can have a safe and productive get together. all the attendees are here on their own, unlike some Phleger fiasco that busses in ” protesters” with the promise of a T shirt and a few bucks. Rahm and Garry gotta be in a frantic thumb sucking pants wetting frenzy.
Still don’t understand why they would hold this event IN Chitcago. It is regularly recommended to us to avoid it for safety reasons, and to not spend our money there.
I for one follow that recommendation.
We can and DO Conceal Carry…so why not go to Chicago?
For the same reason that NRA will probably never hold its national convention there. Why have attendees come and spend money in a town that is totally anti-gun? There are nearby towns/cities that are very gun friendly, but still in the Chitcago area. Holding it there would support them financially, and send the same message.
Just because we do carry does not mean we should go to areas we might otherwise avoid. As they teach in the classes, the best way to win a gunfight is to not be there. Why go to a dangerous town like Chitcago if you don’t have to?
The fact that it’s in Chicago lets the anti’s know we are here and we ain’t leaving. It shows the public that all these gun owners and gun carriers can have a safe and productive get together. all the attendees are here on their own, unlike some Phleger fiasco that busses in ” protesters” with the promise of a T shirt and a few bucks. Rahm and Garry gotta be in a frantic thumb sucking pants wetting frenzy.