Check this little gem out, posted at CULTURAL EXCHANGE: Chicago thugs share “Chiraq” culture with women at EIU in small-town Charleston, IL:

Posted by Really people!!!

1. The picture is NOT Jehari. I know him & that is not him. 2. Is shooting & killing the way to go? If they are “thugs” and you kill one – will their “thug” friends not come back for you and yours? Then comes the shoot out at the O.K. Corral. I DO NOT AGREE WITH WHAT HAS HAPPENED & IF &WHEN THEY ARE FOUND GUILTY – they deserve whatever punishment THE LAW hands them. Think of it like this – let’s say the two young ladies have family’s with your beliefs. Both maw & paw are packing heat. That did not help their daughter one time when a band of hooligans assaulted their child. There gun did not & could not help. But SOMEONES gun was there! And at the moment it was the only gun of importance! Think about what you do. If you take a life – u have to give one – it’s tge laws of the universe. Also check your facts before you post. This young man is not Jehari – but what he is now is a possible victim of a retaliation CRIME. Be careful of what you post – it could change the life of others – including your own


My turn.

1.  That picture was the one that came back when a search was made for the story from the local paper down there.  Here’s Jehari’s photo from his Vine social media page.  Notice any similarities?


2.  Is shooting and killing the way to go? 

If that’s what it takes to terminate a home invasion, they darn tootin’, Skippy.


3.  Will their thug friends come back? 

I doubt it.  Thugs are cowards.  They will puff their chest out one minute and pretend they are the toughest goons on the block when they think they have the upper hand.  When a good guy comes out with a gun, they will literally step on one another to flee like the little cowards they are.

And if they do come back, more ammo is cheap and plentiful.

Don’t believe me that thugs like those in Charleston are two-bit cowards when on an even playing field?

Here’s an example:

Think that was a fluke?  Here’s another.


And another…


4.  You wrote:  “Think of it like this – let’s say the two young ladies have family’s with your beliefs. Both maw & paw are packing heat. That did not help their daughter one time when a band of hooligans assaulted their child. There gun did not & could not help. “

Sam Colt would have made those two ladies equal – and in fact, probably superior if they had a modicum of prior training – to the two armed thugs who likely got their gun handling training from BET television and Hollywood.  If maw and paw did have a gun, they didn’t have the forethought to arm their little girls with the means with which to defend themselves against violent thugs, local or imported from Chicago.  They didn’t have a gun handy and one of them got sexually assaulted because of it.  If it had been my daughter?  I guarantee you she would have had a gun available to her and the knowledge, skills and attitude to use it to protect herself from the likes of Jehari and crew.

5.  “If you take a life – u have to give one – it’s tge laws of the universe.”  Is that the marijuana talking?  That might be the rule of the jungle in Chicago, but I don’t live in a jungle and that surely isn’t the law of any universe I’m a part of.

6.  “he is now is a possible victim of a retaliation CRIME”  I’ve redacted the original photo on the off chance you might be right.



4 thoughts on “SPECIAL: Great comment left on EIU ladies getting some Chicago “culture” story”
  1. So, was it J’s GF who wrote that?

    Baby momma?

    Obviously it’s not someone he raped.

    Hey “Really people!!!”, I bet I got more ammo that you got friends.

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