Jim Courtney/BizJournal
(Editor: And he’s wearing safety glasses while holding a cartridge, why? Is Pierce Ammo dangerous to hold?)
by John Boch
I got a call yesterday from New York state. It was from a man who identified himself as Andy Wright, asking if I was a point of contact for (stumbling) Guns Saves Lives. Finally, he got it out: Guns Save Life dot com.
“Yeah. What can I do for you, sir?”
He was referring to an article we published August 15th QUISLINGS: Ted Nugent ammo maker donates to Cuomo post-SAFE Act about the New York State ammo manufacturer that donated $10,000 to the Gov. Andrew Cuomo re-election fund. The same Andrew Cuomo who pushed through New York State’s infamous “SAFE Act” gun control law that banned semi-auto rifles and restricted pistol mags to seven – count ’em – seven rounds.
“What about it?” I asked, still not recalling the post.
He said, paraphrasing, that we wrote that he sent the check to Cuomo’s campaign, when it was the company’s owner who cut the check. “You wrote some slanderous things,” Mr. Wright said.
He claims he merely runs the operation, as I recall the conversation, and that he doesn’t own the company.
We’re not sure how that squares with a profile piece from Biz Journals announcing the new company.
After years as art director at ad agencies throughout the country, Andy Wright returned to his native Western New York to open Pierce Munitions LLC.
“I’d love to tell you that I knew a lot about guns and ammunition, but I didn’t,” said Wright, who opened the ammunition factory in 2010.
We did pick up on the following from the article upon a second read:
Wright, who grew up in Amherst and whose father was a police officer, figured there was a lot of demand for ammunition and not enough supply. He was right, and eventually the company raised about $6 million from private investors.
Okay, so he’s got a group of investors. He’s representing that he merely runs the plant as I recall our conversation yesterday. Okay, that’s parsing it pretty fine. But whatever.
We stick with the money quote at the end of our original post: “Sounds like Andy Wright should have kept his career as an ad executive, because once word of his (edit: company’s) penchant for donating to the enemy gets out, business is going to be slow.”
Welcome to the Streisand Effect, Mr. Wright.
Just like others that were caught in their hypocrisy … Mr Wright is simply digging his hole deeper.
Don’t you wonder why none of these guy’s ever ‘fess up and simply apologize, saying it was a stupid thing to do, but I did it. Perhaps make a non-heartfelt promise to donate to the side for the next election.
Nope, I’d guess they’re either too arrogant or stupid. Don’t care which because the result is the same.
Keep shining lights on them, John!
Given that Ted Nugent’s name is on the box, I’m surprised it took this long for Mr. Wright to respond. I’m also surprised his head is still attached to his shoulders.
Given the less than coherent response, I assume this Mr. Wright has no connection to our Mr. Wright. Although, I thought I detected some resemblance in the hairline.
Andy’s dad the pole-eece officer never explained the concept of “Don’t kick a sleeping dog”.
Especially a dog prone to biting, as Guns Save Life is one to do.
An article from three months ago and he’s just now pointing out this fairly minor nuance as objectionable?
Must be a slow day at Blackrock.
“Slander”? That’s a pretty specific legal term, referring to spoken words. I assume he meant “Libel”. But again, that has pretty specific legal meaning.
Truth is an absolute defense. The company he represents donated to Cuomo. Now he’s accusing John of “slander”? Hmmm. Not so much.
At a time when major (and not so major) manufacturers are sticking to principle and telling evil states to get bent (see Magpul, Beretta) these guys gave money to a clear enemy of civil rights.
I hope they go out of business for several reasons, not the least of which is to serve as an example to others.
when you drink the kool ade and eat the forbidden fruit…there is no going back…you made your bed…now you must sleep in it…..apologies ain’t worth a tinker’s dime…or as they say today….’ eat shit and die “….imho
You want what, sympathy? Well, it’s somewhere in the dictionary between shit and syphilis.
I love it, thread winner
Possibly an admission fee into the “Start Up New York” tax program? Cronies helping cronies I guess – the investors don’t care, they just want to cash in on high ammunition prices. They should follow the lead of Remington Outdoor Company – they are moving the Bushmaster and R1 lines out of their 200 year old plant in Ilion, NY.
Person is money hungry! morally bankrupt and will do anything to make a buck and pander to the powers that be for self edification and never mind the other guy in the assumption of his self assumed power with the currying of Favor! or may he’s the poster child for the for the SS in WWII I only followed Orders! no spine I could go on but think the Idea is presented! { he is a scumbag and should receive full value of this action in the form of buying power, maybe his backers are Bloomberg and Harem!}
Great —_I first learned that definition for sympathy back in A A. Back in ’70. But I guess it works the same for today. Good someone brought that up -“”-