Month: October 2014

Billionaires seek to buy gun control via elections

by John Boch Sometimes World Net Daily can be a little off the reservation, but they've done a pretty decent job covering the millions spent by anti-gun billionaires in an effort to influence elections this November. Only time will tell if voters are swayed by Bloomberg and company's profligate spending.…

SIMPLE MINDS: St. Louis Mayor wants big-city gun bans

  [caption id="attachment_14222" align="alignnone" width="600"] The NEW Peter Pan Extra-Crunchy Peanut Butter with extra iron and other vitamins!  Photo shamelessly stolen from Days of our Trailers.[/caption]   St. Louis Mayor Frank Slay has a simple idea to prevent people scumbags like Vonderritt Myers, Jr. from getting shot to death by…

DESPERATE: Brady Campaign board member attacks police

[caption id="attachment_14219" align="alignnone" width="225"] Joan Peterson[/caption] You know, twenty or thirty years ago, the gun control industry seemed to enjoy lots of cash from rich benefactors.  They also were having some success passing onerous gun control laws at not only the federal level, but at the state and local level…