Would a FN PS-90 rifle look good inside your closet or gun safe?
Or perhaps a Kel-Tec Shotgun?

Both big-dollar guns are hard to find, yet Guns Save Life has one of each we’re giving away on Tuesday, December 9th at the GSL monthly meeting in Champaign, IL.
Tickets are $5 each. Each ticket gives you a shot at both guns (unless yours is the first selected…) and can be purchased at any of our satellite meetings between now and then, or by mail.
Rules are simple: If the winner is present, he or she gets their choice. If not present, then the first person drawn wins the PS90 and the second wins the KSG.
Tickets are just $5 each!
The winners will be drawn at the December 9, 2014 Guns Save Life general meeting in Champaign, IL at Fluid Events. Dinner and conversation begin around 5pm. Meeting at 7pm. Drawing will take place near 9pm.
Tickets can be purchased at the regular monthly meetings, gun shows or by mailing a check or money order (with a SASE if you would like us to send the ticket stubs back to you) to
Guns Save Life
PO Box155
Broadlands, IL 61816
FIRST PRIZE: FN PS90 5.7 Carbine with 50 rounds of ammo.
SECOND PRIZE: Kel-Tec KSG 12-gauge shotgun.
DEADLINE FOR MAILED IN TICKET REQUESTS: Must be received prior to December 9, 2014. Late entries will be returned to sender unopened.
Net proceeds to benefit youth shooting programs. Need not be present to win. Out-of-state winners will be responsible for shipping to an FFL in their home state and transfer costs. Illinois winners will need a valid FOID card to claim their winnings.
Questions? Contact GSL President Eric “Bear” St. Pierre at estpierre (at) gunssavelife.com
What has Great Guns done in the past with Great Guns proceeds?

The FN PS90 is not legal in Connecticut but the Kel-tec KSG is,can I still enter?
Peter Caschetto
Coolest bullpup since the AUG!
I might buy a $5 ticket, but it’s too late to mail and I have no bank account, since 5/3 started charging $11 per month. Can a person buy a chance with PayPal?
Funny you talk bad about Taurus but you have this PoS from keltec up as a giveaway. Just how much did they slip you.
Is there a way to enter online or by phone? I would like to enter drawing, but am worried it would not a arrive to you in time.
I’m in:-)
I would love to have a Kel-Tec Shotgun!!!!!!!
Love to have this gun!