You expect to see ignorant comments posted on Facebook, especially at the Moms Demand Action (go to a singles bar, girls) Facebook page and other wildly anti-gun pages. Those websites act like the brightest bug lights to lure in the often hateful, closed-minded people.
You don’t expect to see sheer idiocy at Newsweek.
But then again, the content at Newsweek is probably one reason that publication has one foot in the grave and the other on a whole passel of banana peels. (We must admit that we didn’t realize Newsweek was back in print. They’re giving it away, almost literally, offering three months for $15.00. That’s probably less than it costs them to print and mail the subscription. But we digress.)
Who wrote that it was better to remain silent and be thought of an an idiot than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt?
Check out these gems from an op-ed in Newsweek.
Opinion: The Truly Ridiculous Reason the U.S. Has No Surgeon General
…Consider first what the Second Amendment doesn’t say. There is no right to keep and bear any arms (one person insisted to me that he has a constitutional right to have an atomic bomb). There is no right to keep and bear arms accessories (high-capacity magazines and drums that can be used to shoot as many as 100 rounds are not protected by the Constitution). And there are many restrictions, based on societal interest, on who has this right to keep and bear arms (the mentally ill and convicted felons can be prohibited from having them).
And finally, there is no right to be stupid about guns.
…”Gunners need to face facts, including this one: They are some of the biggest cowards in the country. They constantly tremble in fear that someone may break into their house or that the boogieman may point a machine gun at them at McDonald’s or that the government may swoop down to take their guns.”
Blaming the NRA for the Obama regime’s failure to post the incompetent real-life version of Doogie Howard as Surgeon General is like blaming spoons for making people fat.
First of all, does Kurt also consider what the First Amendment doesn’t say? Would he also argue there’s no right to free speech on the Internet or with regard to publications printed on high-speed presses? Does Kurt even know what a “right” is? Here’s how Noah Webster defined a right: “That which justly belongs to one… Just claim by sovereignty; prerogative. God, as the author of all things, has a right to govern and dispose of them at his pleasure.”
Secondly, I’m guessing Kurt has a fire extinguisher or two in his home, along with a smoke detector. Does the mere possession of a fire extinguisher and smoke detector suggest that Kurt (or anyone else with these items) is afraid of burning to death in a fire or suffocating on smoke and other byproducts of fire?
Should Kurt ever stumble across this blog entry in his busy life excoriating gun owners here’s our message to him and his ilk:
Proper planning prevents poor performance.
Prudently approaching the risks in life can turn a life-threatening incident into a mere inconvenience. It doesn’t mean prudence is a byproduct of irrational fear.
Ignore the proven, life-saving benefits of firearm ownership at your own peril, Kurt. Just as failure to have working smoke detectors and fire extinguishers can be equally hazardous to a long and happy life.
“the boogieman may point a machine gun at them at McDonald’s”
San Ysidro California July 18, 1984.
another liberal question mark….. still looking for a clue .. to starve.
The reason the U.S. doesn’t have a Surgeon General is because Obama tried to appoint an unqualified political hack whose only credentials are his ability to raise money for Obama’s campaign and his willingness to subvert the office to promote the anti-gun agenda.
Amen, and thank you.