Leftist radicals and America’s black grievance industry are encouraging their ilk to come out to Ferguson this weekend for the anticipated announcement of the grand jury decision’s not to indict the decorated police officer who shot Michael Brown to death in self-defense. The folks at Anonymous claim the decision is coming on or after 2pm Monday.
Authorities fear that once the grand jury announcement is released, this criminal anarchists from throughout the nation who have descended upon Ferguson like a plague of locusts, will rob, loot, and pillage Ferguson and the nearby communities. Frankly, this is what many of these trouble-makers have in mind for Ferguson… it’s an opportunity to destroy things and steal things as part of mob violence.
In response to this threat, state and local governments have taken measures to quell the mob’s violence using force as necessary.
Our advice to gun owners and our family of members and friends: stay far away from Ferguson. If you have a carry license, you should carry everyday anyway, but definitely carry your gun if you’re anywhere near Ferguson. In fact, carry extra ammunition if you’re traveling to St. Louis in the coming days and be very aware of your surroundings. Even if you’re not near ground zero in the trouble-plagued city, groups of black youths may still cause problems elsewhere.
If you’re not already a gun owner and you live in St. Louis, you’re running out of time to secure a firearm to defend your home and family. Buy yourself a pump-action shotgun and some buckshot and learn how to use it, PDQ.
The shooting occurred after Michael Brown robbed a convenience store moments before and attacked the officer in his squad car, breaking bones in the officer’s face and struggling to take the cop’s gun away.

Michael Brown was neither an innocent choirboy and gentle giant, nor did he as a precious little apple fall far from the rotten tree from which he came. His momma, now facing charges of felony armed robbery herself, and his father, also a drug felon contend that he was a good boy and that he had his hands up, kneeling in surrender when the cop shot him. The autopsy shows that wasn’t the case and that Michael Brown was high was a kite on marijuana. Last time we checked, smoking marijuana was not part of choir boy chores at the local church.
Nevertheless, despite the evidence, the leftists and black grievance industry are still alleging that the young armed robber, high on marijuana, was shot merely for being black. They feel they must protest the death of a would-be cop killer getting his just dessert from his would-be victim.
For the latest on the Ferguson situation, visit The Gateway Pundit. Jim Hoft has done an excellent job keeping up with this as he’s right there in St. Louis himself.
How about a warning for the fair and feeble-minded of champoo-banana?
Kiddies, do NOT get blind drunk anytime NEAR the grand jury’s announcement.
The feral will be running, well…..feral then.
The white man isnt holding the black man down. He is doin a fine job of that himself.
John: Love your work and I know you are better than repeating the lie that Darren Wilson had bones broken in his face. This was disproved almost immediately after it came out.