The official liberal hippie brain trust has spoken:
Meet the Liberal Hippie Queen:
We were going to ask if that was the marijuana talking in her tweet, but it’s readily evident it wasn’t the MJ talking. It was Jose instead.
Who in the world is Andrea J. Markley? Why she’s the Founder & Chief Executive Officer at Chase, Cameron & Mackenzie Inc.
We couldn’t find a website for that company, or a listing.  We went to the New York State business search page and came up empty as well. Someone should tell her it’s against the law to claim your company is incorporated when it is not.
What other jobs has she held? McDonalds.
Good news, gents! She’s not married!
It’s unknown how many cats she has, though.
My hat is off to anyone who can fire a bolt action rifle at 48 rounds per minute.
Lee Harvey Oswald. 😉
48 rpm with a Lee-Enfield? no way.
65 rpm with a 10/22? easily… (unaimed of course, and with 25 round mags)
Still trying to figure out how you’d kill 22 people with 10 rounds of .22LR though…. that’s some creative target arrangement.
The rate of fire for the Enfeild is as patently untruthfell as the rest. Sergeant Snoxall of the British
Army’s School of Musketry shot 38 rounds into a 12-inch bulls-eye set
300 yards away in just one minute. That is the official record for rapid fire of an Enfield.
Ok, if you look closely at her silly chart, you see that it does correctly state the world record for aimed fire of a bolt action at 38. Congratulations Sgt. Snoxall. The bigger bar in each group is “unaimed” who cares about unaimed? Who cares how much ammo you can burn when you aren’t engaging a target?
The interesting thing about this is that they clearly have no basis for comparison for aimed fire. Neither of the other weapons can reach out to 300 yds.
But what the chart really shows, that Hippie Queen won’t tell you, is that the actual aimed rate of fire for a semi auto isn’t that much higher than an expert with a bolt action can achieve.
Andrea, let’s make a deal, okay? I won’t tell you which Birkenstocks go with which tie-dye and you don’t try to sound knowledgeable about guns in any fashion.
Drink up sweetie. And ( nice top )
Drink up sweetie. And ( nice top ) my. 10/22 don’t look like that though ,,
“It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool…”
quite a snout on that thing. Has it grown from all the lying?
maybe she sucks the alcohol up through it, like an elephant.
I’d just about bet at least one man found out the liberal hippie queen wasn’t such a great catch after he made the mistake of sayin’ “I DO” in front of the preacher with her.
Who knows, she might be liberal and hippie enough to have gotten married to a women in the past as well.
Oh well, to each her own. She’s not my problem!
(Surprised she doesn’t live in Cali though!)
Cray cray.
Guys, she’s fake. It’s a liberal troll, and PLEASE don’t repost. The company doesn’t exist? Entrepreneur and CEO whose previous experience was a McJob? FB account is so crammed with links and cross posts that only a team could do it.
Its. A. Troll.
What about No. 5, the Derringer?
Sam Whittemore sez: “Dang, that gal’s got a seta balls on er!”
22 people with 10 shots? Send her to Iraq. BTW, John Wayne killed 3 indians with one shot of his Colt.45. But then, that was JW.
“It’s unknown how many cats she has, though.”
The insult to cat lovers everywhere was unnecessary! Believe it or not, many of us actually know what a Ruger 10/22 is and even own a few of ’em to boot!
Why would the founder of a corporation give it three names NOT including their own?
I think those STDs have entered your brain, lady.
All are rifles, and rifles are used to murder half as many people in the U.S. than hands and feet.
They are proud of their ignorance.
So we should ban hands and feet then, you’re saying?
Line forms to the left. Let’s put this woman at the head of that line!
Well… all I’ve got to say is those 1911 fanboys don’t know what they’re talking about. By this logic, you could only kill 11 people per 19 trigger pulls, those guns suck!
What a silly woman. Everyone knows that 10/22 stands for the fact that it can only kill TEN people with TWENTY-TWO rounds, not the other way ’round. It was named following the same conventional nomenclature as the AK-47, which is logically derived from its ability to kill 47 Alaskans with one “clip”.