In most cases, we redact the names or pictures of spree killers. We won’t give them fame, notoriety or help to burn their names or likenesses into America’s psyche.
Would-be spree killers stopped by good guys with a weapon? That’s a different story.
Enter Myron May. He was an attorney who, among his specialties was LGBT law, who was a complete left-wing whack job, pissed at the world and he wanted to get famous.
Here he is, in all his glory.

Take a good look at him, his face flat on the pavement, dead right there.
What happened? He ignored prohibitions on carrying concealed weapons, carrying concealed weapons without a permit on Florida college campii, prohibitions on trying to kill people. He carrying his gun onto campus and tried to kill as many students as he could in a late-night attack in and near the FSU library.
FSU cops, along with local Tallahassee police were on the scene in seconds and charged towards the sound of gunfire. They challenged the social misfit and exchanged gunfire with him. Myron didn’t fare so well when confronting good guys with guns. He got shot. A lot.
Who was Myron May?
That’s from Linked In.
He also thought the Government was after him and might be using mind-control technology.
Is this one of Barry’s kids or a younger brother? A lawyer, someone who studied the laws and yet he was trying to commit mass murder in a “gun free” (aka: personal safety free) zone.
Oh crap,Shannon going to be PISSED………
How was this man ‘left wing’? You gun nuts and your double speak: he (1) used a gun to (2) kill people. Both are antithetical then American left-progressive values. So this guy is obviously out of his mind but you gun nuts often share the same kind of illogical conclusions and paranoid beliefs as this asshole did.