The average American pays precious little attention to the ongoing battle between those who advocate more fully taking advantage of the ideals voiced in the Constitution and Bill of Rights and gun control advocates who would strip Americans of their rights to self-defense and to gun ownership.
We’ve long known freedom and liberty appeal to the vast majority of Americans.
Some Americans dread liberty and freedom. Why? Because liberty involves personal responsibility. And personal responsibility is an anathema to them.
Anathema, for our readers from Rio Linda, means:
[uh-nath-uh-muh]1. a person or thing detested or loathed: That subject is anathema to him.
2. a person or thing accursed or consigned to damnation or destruction.
3. a formal ecclesiastical curse involving excommunication.
4. any imprecation of divine punishment.
5. a curse; execration.
courtesy Dictionary.com.
Gun control advocates have not only failed to enact meaningful legislation, they’ve also failed to win the hearts and minds of the average American. Sure, as Abraham Lincoln once said, gun control advocates can fool some of the people all of the time, but they can’t fool all of the people all of the time. Recent polling data have consistently shown that support for restrictions on liberty and freedom when it comes to guns is at generational lows.
CBS poll reveals support for gun control plummets sharply
Support for gun control measures continues to plummet
BAD NEWS FOR GUN CONTROL FREAKS! Americans reject surrendering their God-given rights
CATCHING UP: Mainstream media catching up on the growing popularity of gun rights
How do gun control advocates respond?
They offer up distortions, misrepresentations and creative story-telling that would make Pinocchio’s nose grow even faster than if he’d overdosed on Viagra.
At the same time, they offer up more and more derogatory descriptions of gun owners. We’re xenophobic unsophisticated, illiterate hillbilly hicks! And anti-government, “hatriot” racist bigots.
Do they really think insulting gun owners with their own bigotry will win the hearts of minds of the undecided Americans?
Sticks and stones may break my bones – but hey! I have a .38 special in my pocket.
The older I get the more I am seeing people using name-calling and the race card when their arguments fail to measure up.
As if calling me a unsophisticated hick will make me throw up my hands, surrender my guns, and realize the error of my ways so some Birkenstock-clad “Occupy” douche will think I’m cool like him.
Nah, he can go have sex with the nearest bong pipe for all I care.
I saw one the other day that just made me shake my head. “Ammosexual”. Yeah, hearts and minds alright.