Every black life lost in a police confrontation in the past year is suddenly valuable in certain circles.
Just today, a case in Milwaukee is attracting the attention of race hustlers everywhere. An unarmed black kid gets shot 14 times by a big, bad white cop, or so they say. Reality begs to differ, but they can’t let reality get in the way of “social justice”.
Here’s reality: The dead perpetrator in the Milwaukee case was a mentally ill guy who resisted a pat-down, gained control of a cop’s expandable baton and struck the cop in the neck and was fixing to land additional strokes upon the cop’s brain housing group when the cop drew his gun and shot to stop the threat. The mentally ill black kid was dead right there. The cop appeared to be “in shock,” “upset” or “distraught” immediately following the incident according to almost a dozen and a half witnesses.
The facts of the case have meant little to the deceased’s dysfunctional family who want “justice”. (Translation: They seem to want a payout with maybe a side of looting for their friends.)
The vast majority of Americans will use common sense and quickly ignore accusations that the cop’s use of force was improper in this case. Americans understand that if you try to brain a cop, you run the risk of getting shot dead. Most of us learned to respect the police. Most of us were taught not to victimize and attack others, and certainly not to attack police officers because bad things happen to those who do. It seems not all families have shared this fact-of-life with their children as part of their upbringing.
But the dysfunction of so many black families is not the concern of those on the Left. Instead, they have a cause du jour and they are running with it.
Let’s just cut to the chase.
Black lives lost to police are priceless to the black grievance industry (BGI).
The black lives lost to black-on-black crime? Those don’t even merit a mention by the BGI.
Did you hear a peep about the 24 dead homicide victims in Chicago so far this month – nearly all of which were black? I didn’t think so.
White lives lost to black-on-white crime? Again, not a peep from the Black Grievance Industry.
Black and white lives lost to black criminals don’t matter because they won’t advance the BGI’s agenda, that’s why. It’s the latest in the Left’s blood dancing to restrict your right and mine to self-defense and gun ownership.
Don’t believe it?
NAACP Calling For Gun Control Measures Following Shooting Deaths Of 2 NYPD Officers
WASHINGTON (CBSDC/AP) — The NAACP is calling for gun control measures following the shooting deaths of two New York police officers.
New York Police Department Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu were shot and killed by 28-year-old Ismaaiyl Brinsley Saturday afternoon in Brooklyn. Brinsley had vowed in an Instagram post to put “wings on pigs” as retaliation for the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner at the hands of white police.
“These two killings and the life-threatening injury, like so many other unfortunate incidences of gun violence, provide a stark example of the need for sensible gun control measures, and the need to thoughtfully address untreated mental illness,” the NAACP Legal Defense Fund said in a statement.
Don’t think for a minute that the people like Sharpton, Jackson, Holder and Obama behind these “protests” and the Black Grievance Industry aren’t 100% committed to rolling back your God-given rights to self-defense and firearm ownership.
Playing up the “value” of violent, predatory criminals shot dead victimizing innocents, be they killed by police or private citizens, is only the latest angle of attack on our God-given right to own a gun and to self-defense from violent criminal attack.
Do your part to stop this attack. Explain the facts to those who don’t have a closed mind to this so-called “problem” in our nation.
While any of them can probably name one or more of these criminals who have become virtual celebrities in their death, it’s a pretty safe bet they can’t name a single murder victim in Chicago in the past week or month.
UPDATE: Seems the BGI is keeping up the pressure:
Where does Simmons fit in this?

Who are these people?
Why they are the “National Bar Association”.
And from an earlier post at Guns Save Life, here’s the scorecard with the players on it: ROTTEN: The story behind the National Bar Association’s farcical condemnation of the Ferguson Grand Jury decision
1) Darryl Parks, who was one of the attorneys representing St. Trayvon Martin’s family, was recently president of the NBA. His law partner is Crump. Crump’s dad John was exec director of NBA for 25+ yrs.
2) Means is currently president and very close to Parks and Crump and stands to gain $$ from any civil suits
3) Crump is president-elect and used St. Trayvon’s death to jump in, and instead of spending several years like other leaders, moving up the ranks, and move from member at large, to VP, to President elect in 3 yrs.
4) The NBA only has about 2,200 paying members and is essentially broke, surviving on corporate donations. The “representing 60,000″ stuff is like the NRA says it represents all gun owners vs the 5M who actually pay
5) Sunny Hostin, who parades herself on CNN as a legal analyst and gave the wrong info during Zimmerman’s trial for killing St. Trayvon, is an NBA member and close to Parks and Crump. Funny CNN hasn’t put her to the side because of her close personal ties.
6) Al Sharpton is part of the shakedown with the NBA. He gets a cut of whatever fees get earned as a “consultant” and the NBA gets a referral.
Black lives mean nothing to me,in fact,I wish there was a nigger specific disease that would wipe them all out,hope you don’t mind me exercising my first amendment rights.