We wrote last week about liberal, gun-hating Hollywood execs looking at big declines in ticket sales in 2014.
Not only were ticket sales off well into the double-digits, especially among the young, but attendance overall dropped 6%. Ouch.
After the disastrous 2014, Tinsel Town is counting on some anti-gun 1980s action flick stars to carry the day in 2015 reprising their original roles – going on forty years later after the originals.
There’s just something about Arnold Schwartzenegger that isn’t all that tough as his physique has decline dramatically since his body building youth – and certainly since the original Terminator movie came out in 1984.

The Walgreen’s Clerk: “Sir, I told you last week that the Depends are in the Health and Beauty Aids aisle.”
We’re forced to ask ourselves if they are going to have another Terminator movie in ten more years with Arnold using a walker and a portable oxygen canister.
We imagine he screeches “I’ll be back,” to the kid at Walgreens.
To which the poor kid says, “Sir, I told you last week that the Depends are in the Health and Beauty Aids aisle.”

Audiences might be more amused with Justin Bieber playing the role of a Terminator – or at least audiences would be laughing at something besides Arnold’s nearly 70-year-old physique.
And raving anti-gun lunatic Sylvester Stallone is being counted on twice for 2015/2016 to save Hollywood.
He’s going to reprise his roles in yet another (awful) Rambo movie.
And he’s going to grace us with another Rocky movie.
Yes, Sylvester Stallone is going to play the role of a championship-level boxer at roughly age 70.
Yeah, that’s believable.
I’d be a lot more inclined to spend a few dollars to watch Justin Timberlake get used as a punching bag for Ruslan Chagaev or Bermane Stiverne for ten rounds.
That’s not Justin Timberlake, that’s Justin Beiber (I don’t know nor care if I spelled that right).
Timberlake has actually matured into a pretty good performer. Bieber, not so much.
Whoops. I meant Beeee ber.
I refer to him as “bee bee brain”, his brain is surely at least that big and about the same composition, haha.