Pennsylvania’s rabidly anti-gun Democrat Attorney General Kathleen Kane has publicly announced that she will not fulfill her office’s duty to defend a state law, instead leaving it to the Governor’s office to defend a new firearms law pre-emption bill recently enacted.
In recent years, some of the Democrat-controlled big cities in the Keystone State have enacted their own gun control laws in their fiefdoms, leaving that state with a patchwork of laws regarding guns. The new law was mean to make gun laws uniform, but that didn’t sit well with anti-gun Democrats. Including Kane.
You can bet your bottom dollar she would be defending a new state law providing for gay marriage.
However, supporting firearm civil rights for all?
Nah, not Kathy Kane.
Rabidly anti-gun Pennsylvania AG Kathy Kane.
HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) – Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane is leaving it to the governor’s office to defend a lawsuit challenging a law backed by the National Rifle Association that was designed to dismantle illegal municipal firearms ordinances, officials said Friday.
A spokesman for Gov. Tom Corbett said the governor’s legal office will defend the law against the challenge led by Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Lancaster. Kane’s office sent word earlier in the week that she would not take the case.
Corbett, a Republican who opposes new forms of gun control, signed the law last month. The law widens the ability of the NRA or gun owners to successfully sue over municipal firearms ordinances.
“We can find no legitimate reason for the attorney general to decline to defend the commonwealth in this case,” said Corbett’s spokesman, Jay Pagni.
8 thoughts on “LAWLESS: Democrat Pennsylvania AG won’t defend new PA state law”
She should be removed from office. I would hope there is a legal means to do so in that state without waiting for a new election.
Just like our own Lisa Madigan.
Just like our own pot bellied pig Lisa Madigan, this traitor can’t seem to remember the Bill of Rights. If she can’t or won’t do her sworn duty then she should be thrown out of office.
Isn’t a Dumbocrat soon going to be replacing Corbett as governor? That might mean that nobody will defend the law.
Any Penna readers here?
Look up the common law (now perhaps statutory there?) action called “quo warranto.”
In many jurisdictions, if an elected official refuses to perform his statutory and/or constitutional obligations of office, he forfeits the office.
SUE her comfortable shoes off.
That’s the dem tactic that’s been working for them for decades. Time to employ a proven strategy for the good guys. Sue ’em til they capitulate.
The voters ought to rise up against the “officials” who refuse to enforce the laws, especially those who are in an office that which it is their duty to uphold the laws, this AG and Barry Hussein Soterobama come to mind.
does this ring a bell?
“He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.”
She may be going bye bye anyway. A grand jury just recommended criminal charges against her for perjury and contempt of court for her actions targeting political enemies.
She should be removed from office. I would hope there is a legal means to do so in that state without waiting for a new election.
Just like our own Lisa Madigan.
Just like our own pot bellied pig Lisa Madigan, this traitor can’t seem to remember the Bill of Rights. If she can’t or won’t do her sworn duty then she should be thrown out of office.
Isn’t a Dumbocrat soon going to be replacing Corbett as governor? That might mean that nobody will defend the law.
Any Penna readers here?
Look up the common law (now perhaps statutory there?) action called “quo warranto.”
In many jurisdictions, if an elected official refuses to perform his statutory and/or constitutional obligations of office, he forfeits the office.
SUE her comfortable shoes off.
That’s the dem tactic that’s been working for them for decades. Time to employ a proven strategy for the good guys. Sue ’em til they capitulate.
The voters ought to rise up against the “officials” who refuse to enforce the laws, especially those who are in an office that which it is their duty to uphold the laws, this AG and Barry Hussein Soterobama come to mind.
does this ring a bell?
“He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.”
She may be going bye bye anyway. A grand jury just recommended criminal charges against her for perjury and contempt of court for her actions targeting political enemies.