Todd Vandermyde, the NRA-ILA’s contract lobbyist for Illinois, will be at tonight’s Pontiac Guns Save Life meeting.
It’s at the Pontiac VFW (thank you to Jerry and our gracious hosts) and it should be a great time.
Todd did have a nasty spill this past weekend, as he wrote about on Facebook:
So after skinning a doe I shot today, and dinner, I go out to the garage to put the mower deck up in the attic to make some room. I was standing on the ladder, 1/2 way through the attic opening pulling the deck up with the electric winch I installed up there.
The belt from the deck caught the bottom of the ladder in pulled it up and out. I then did a pirouette and unable to catch myself, I started the decent 10′ to the garage floor. Were upon my down ward movement and the ladder’s rotation gave me a rightward pitch.
I bounced my back off the lawn edger, which accounts for the gash in the right side on my back.
Being less than vertical, my attempt at a PLF, incase Rick, Brian, or Matt, were wondering and before they give me any **** about it, was not real probable, but I did manage to keep my feet and knees together as nothing on the lower end of my body was injured. I then landed on my right forearm/elbow. At about the same time my head caught the edge of a 5 gal bucket and tried to take the lower 1/2 of my right ear off, as if I was van Gogh.
After the initial shock the reach to my ear produced a wet sensation along with a notch that I knew shouldn’t be there. Where upon my son Jake went to get my wife.
The ER doc ordered a series of MRIs and x-rays upon listening to my description. While some people may challenge the good MD’s findings, I am told I have both a brain and a heart based upon the scans.
I was also given some meds for the scan which demonstrated what a menopausal heat-flash is like. You women have all my sympathies.
While going through the MRI, I will admit that a stanza of blood upon the risers was going through my head.
After being poked and prodded and jabbed the DR is amazed, so am I, that nothing is broken. I simply told her Bumbles bounce. But my right arm/elbow feels like it’s broken. My ear is sewn back together, but I may look like a hog at the state fair depending on how good they did. I’m in a sling and most likely gonna feel like I did a dance with a D8 and lost in the morning.
And now as the kids go back to school, my wife has another semi-invalid to take care of for a few days. She was a real trooper tonight. And I owe her more than I can repay.
I have had another biz meeting creep up for tomorrow afternoon, but despite everything, I am still planning on being at the GSL meeting.
The bottom line is that he’s still going to be at the GSL meeting, with a slide show of his African hunting trip and an availability to give us the
latest on where he sees the Illinois General Assembly for 2015.
Hope you recover ok, Todd, seems like “murphy” was keeping you company, hope you can shake him and his antics the rest of 2015.
Wow. Hope you have a speedy recovery. I sorry I can’t make that meeting as iam in California visiting 2 of my kids. I would have enjoyed hearing about the safari but maybe I can catch another presentation. Later ….take it ezy get well soon !!!