Our friends at the Urbana American Legion Post 71 have made us aware of a group of so-called activists who appeared at last month’s Urbana City Council meeting. These individuals argued that honorably discharged veterans should not only be not given hiring preference for police officer jobs, but that veterans should be excluded from consideration altogether.
Why is that? Reportedly, they believe that military veterans are mentally defective as a result of their service.
The Urbana Police Chief, Pat Connolly, has come out in strong support of hiring veterans.
(Via News-Gazette) – …some of our finest moments as a police agency resulted from the actions of veterans, like when — instead of pulling out his firearm — an officer chose to use his own body to shield a 3-year-old child from another individual with a gun. Recently one of our ex-military officers intervened when a citizen went into cardiac arrest, and his efforts were credited with saving that citizen’s life. Another officer — also a military veteran — ran into a burning building to evacuate its residents, a selfless act that removed eight people from a life-threatening situation.
The mission of the Urbana Police Department is to enhance the quality of life. Military veterans have and can continue to help our agency accomplish this mission, and I believe we owe our veterans a great deal for their selfless sacrifice and commitment. While the need for building a diverse organization is recognized and appreciated, to specifically and intentionally exclude military veterans from that process is a travesty.
The American Legion post is asking for more level-headed members of the public to contact Urbana’s Mayor Laurel Prussing and the members of the Urbana City Council to urge her to to continue with hiring preferences for U.S. servicemen and women. Don’t think for a minute there isn’t a possibility that these moonbats’ proposal might gain traction. Urbana has a long history of hard-left political leanings.
Urbana Mayor Laurel Prussing.
Urbana, IL 61801
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Charlie Smyth Ward 1 |
casmyth@urbanaillinois.us (217) 367-2813 |
05/2017 |
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Eric Jakobsson Ward 2 |
egjakobsson@urbanaillinois.us (217) 390-7024 |
05/2017 |
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Carol C. Ammons Ward 3 |
ccammons@urbanaillinois.us (217) 706-7063 |
05/2017 |
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Bill Brown Ward 4 |
bbrown@urbanaillinois.us (217) 344-3797 |
05/2017 |
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Dennis P. Roberts Ward 5 |
dproberts@urbanaillinois.us (217) 344-0069 |
05/2017 |
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Michael P. Madigan Ward 6 |
mpmadigan@urbanaillinois.us (217) 622-9518 |
05/2017 |
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Diane W. Marlin Ward 7 |
dwmarlin@urbanaillinois.us (217) 384-1855 |
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Here’s your liberal/progressive SIGN of hope and change.
Don’t they realize that this violates multiple hiring principles as well. It is illegal to discriminate a whole class of people, let alone a protected class such as Veterans. Oye, the stupidity…..
What would they say if a group suggested that they not hire gays because they are mentally defective?
Could we get a resolution passed not to hire liberal-progressives?
Stupid is as stupid does…
The “mentally defective” are the “libiots” (liberal-idiots), libreal-progressive theology is defective and those who “believe” in that theology are the mentally deficient, especially when they think they are the “smartest in the room”!
So, it’s okay for me to risk my life for your freedoms and stability here as long as I do it overseas which I’ve done. But when I come home you don’t want me to blend back into society? Well you can’t have your cake and eat it too. All I ask is for a few crumbs to get through this life with as much dignity as I’ve fought for.
Thank you for your service!
Thank you so much for your service! Amen to everything you said! God bless you.
Thank you and all veterans who have fought and are fighting for our God given freedoms. On the pessimistic side, I understand the reason for giving preference to veterans, but whatever happened to Equal opportunity employment!? Those of us who never had the opportunity to serve our country, are passed over for jobs that we might otherwise get, if not for the preference. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate all our veterans have done, but I can’t help but feel a little bit discriminated against. I tried twice to get a college education to better myself for the workforce, but I apparently have some kind of learning problem that prevents me from learning what I need to to get a degree. The longest period of time that I have worked is four years. I want to work, but I’m afraid I won’t find one anytime soon, as I have been unemployed for two years now. Don’t know what else to do.
The Veteran’s preference we receive is simply five points extra on written exams. That doesn’t preclude any oral boards or interviews we undergo, just like the rest of the hiring pool. It seems to me like you’re making excuses for yourself. If you wanted to finish yur education, you would have, even if that meant student loan debt. All universities have disabled learning programs as required by law.
Thanks from a part of the brotherhood as well..And I agree with you as well..I just want a few crumbs and I’ll be happy:)
I would feel a lot safer with someone who has been protecting me and my country. Maybe than can get this group (moonbat) back where they came from. We don’t need someone like that running our city or Country, Bring on the Veterans.
Anyone that is a vet can report this group to ESGR, and they will conduct an investigation. After USERRA Rights, have been warned you can take them to court for justice. Military Discrimination happens everyday. Although we are more aware of it now not much has changed over the past 30 years. Hire a vet, hire an active servicing Military Reserve, and be the best American you can be by doing so. At the end of the day all things good has been paid by those who has served this country. Parties can talk and hope for peace but when one party doesn’t want peace, than it always boils down to a fight and the one who wins earns the right to lay down the law of the land. Its been proven time and time again. When Military members are not employed, that mean their families are not being fed. Children who had missed their Daddies and Mommies, to protect you while you protest your free speech to “Not honor Military Credit,” is discriminatory and undermining the fact that you have a right to free speech because of the Military. If anyone who reads this and thinks otherwise please fly back to whatever country that will support your beliefs were you can still be alive and shit on those who are selfless.
Nicely written!
Nowhere in this article did I see a group identified. The only indication of the activists political leanings was the name calling of the writer. As a liberal/progressive, I find that highly offensive. Both the activists actions and the writers obvious disdain for anyone other than staunch conservatives. To try to hijack being a patriot and supporting veterans as a conservative trait is beyond low. I am a patriot, I support our troops and veterans, I am a liberal! Learn to deal with it!
The writer did not identify the group of moonbats as “liberal-progressive”, re-read the article a few times, however, what leanings do most “activists” (AKA: anarchists) have other than “liberal-progressive”? I am “highly offended” myself of the hatred shown by most liberal-progressives towards law enforcement officers and anyone military. These people put their lives on the line every day of their employment or deployment while their families have the worry of their safety daily. Who but a “moonbat” would show such distain for those who are our first responders in any tragedy, accident, domestic violence incident, crime, or war, liberal-progressive or otherwise.
Methinks thou protest too much, Wes, maybe if you don’t like the moniker “moonbat”, …..deal with it sir, liberal-progressives have earned the term as applied, and if you prefer to identify yourself as a “liberal-progressive”
you self-identify with all their actions, so cry me a river “mr. highly offended”….deal with it. Consertives are natural-born patriots while liberal-progressives are natural-born anarchist-activists through their beliefs, no one is “hijacking” patriotism.
There are nutjobs like this in both extremes of political ideology. It’s not fair to assume they are liberal. By the way, hi there. I am a liberal, and I am also a military veteran.
We don’t have to “assume” these moonbats are “liberal-progressive”, they declare it “proudly”, check out their website, ..CUCPJ, (Champaign Urbana Coalition? for Peace and Justice), …proudly communist leaning.
Actually most left leaning people don’t have a total disdain for the military. The far left extremists do, but the extremes of both parties are no good and dangerous for the country.
– A liberal Naval officer
Liberal pussies strike again.
This liberal pussy has pledged her life so you have the freedom to name call. Enjoy it. But I guess you’re the kind of person who believes I belong barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.
does this mean anything to anybody? How about town officials!
It is called the veterans descrimation act.
does this mean anything to anybody? How about town officials!
www dol gov dol topic discrimination vetsdisc htm
It is called the veterans descrimation act.
I would be considered liberal, but I was also a Marine who saw combat in Vietnam and I am a gun owner.
Thank you for your service sir, but why would you want to be associated with what is today called “liberal-(progressive)” who have such distain for anything military? They are the same ones who spit on returning VietNam veterans upon their return from overseas in the ’60s and ’70s.
Its Illinois…government officials are mentally unstable
In the whole state….
I’m also a vet and believed that those trained in the military make very good police officers. The media never reports the good that police do, but sure make a big deal when something goes wrong when a stupid wrong doing individual law breaker gets hurt or dies. A perfect example is how many hours of TV time from MO.(civilian) vs. NY (Police officer) because of trouble makers stirring up things before all the facts are in. “Let those who are without sin be the first to case the first stone.” Thanks to all vets who served for me and those who have followed to serve for the USA.
I am a veteran. The idea that veteran is broken is sick. As a veteran, service is what we provided to your country. Why not continue service when we come home? The veteran is a rich resource of life experience. It is a sad day when we as community turn our back on those who served.
Where in the article does it say that the group of activists is a liberal group or that liberals are behind this?
Be angry at the Moonbats whoever they are, but it is ignorant in my opinion to make make assumptions and then start bringing other groups in who have nothing to do with this.
I personally feel that these Moonbats are merely pissy because they didn’t serve and can’t get veterans pointss
I hope folks realize that “hard left” groups like this don’t speak for the average progressive/liberal any more than the tea party or the kkk speak for the average conservative/republican. This Moonbat group appears to be a hategroup like any other and should be treated as such. As a progressive, liberal veteran and son of a cop who was a veteran, I am sickened.
I am “sickened” and “highly offended” that you would associate constitutional conservatives, (AKA: the “tea party”) with the KKK. The Klan was established by the “southern democrats” after the civil war, the Republican constitutionalists were those who took up arms to abolish slavery and to secure the Union in the face of southern democrats’ attempt to seperate from the Union because of their relyance on slave labor. Read true history, not the crap the liberal teachers re-write.
Maybe not all “liberal-progressives” are anarchist-activists, but all anarchist-activists are “liberal-progressives”, you want to call yourself a “liberal-progressive”, you are the one who is associating yourself with these hate groups, ….as Wes said above …”deal with it”…
As with the National Socialist party of 1930’s-to-1940’s Germany (AKA: Nazi Party, or 3rd Reicht), the KKK and these moonbat haters are all “hard leftists” and therefore “liberal-progressives”, if you don’t like the association with these types of groups, it is up to you to change their actions from within or denounce them yourself. Don’t be crying on this forum that you are “misunderstood” by the actions of others, live with it or do something about it yourself, Frank.
BTW:, Thanks for your service, Frank. Where did you serve and what branch of the military were you in?
Why would you want to associate yourself with those who would spit on returning Veterans from VietNam era service, the leftists of today?
And the southern democrats were conservatives, not liberal. The Republican Party used to be liberal. The switch of ideology happened largely as a result of the civil rights movement.
The first Republican, … who started the Republican party, was President Abraham Lincoln. He was a conservitave constitutionalist who governed during the Civil War and was instrumental in keeping the country from being disolved by the liberal southern democrats who only wanted to hang on to their slaves to keep themselves wealthy.
The civil rights movement was highly supported by the Republican party and the democrats fought it long and hard, look back on true history, the liberal southern democrats were the most racist and opressively discriminatory and continued segregation long after civil rights legislation was enacted. The National Guard was called up to integrate some southern schools back then run by liberal southern democrats. Ever hear of Governor George Wallace?
JR1984, were you born in 1984? I turned 30 that year, was in Jr high school during the race and VietNam war riots in the ’60s, you need to find and read about true history not the claptrap the liberals have re-written to distort true history. Lyndon Johnson had almost all Republican support when he signed civil rights legislation and could barely get any democrats to sign on with it. Educate yourself, don’t depend on distorted “history”. Life is tough, even tougher if you are stupid, right JR1984?
Hey genius if you read Frank’s comment he said they are NOT ASSOCIATED. Open minded much?
Read it again yourself, crazy, who is “not associated”? Those words do not appear in Frank’s comment.
You seem so “open minded” your brains must have fallen out the last time you sneezed. Read Frank’s comment again, he himself declared he was a “liberal-progressive”, therefore he associated himself with the local moonbats, mr. no-brain.
This article is a flat-out lie.
“These individuals argued that honorably discharged veterans should not only be not given hiring preference for police officer jobs, but that veterans should be excluded from consideration altogether.”
CUCPJ has never said anything of the sort that you relay in this article. Please cite your sources. Since I know that there are none, I wonder why you’re making this up.
No tasers? That’s your original agenda for the shit ass organization you are part of that has less than 200 likes in a 120k strong community? Let’s see you take pepper spray to the face and see which less than lethal option is more humane. I’ve had both and would rather take a tasers any day of the week, you liberal hippie ass clown. No money for a new jail either, huh? That doesn’t mean the department will arrest fewer people, you shit rocket. Offenders will simply be stuck with the older building. Go back to Ferguson where you so desire and cry about why Wils0n wasn’t indicted. Go armchair quarterback. Better yet, puck up the case review and educate yourself, you pathetic waste of O2.
No tasers? That’s your original agenda for the shit ass organization you are part of that has less than 200 likes in a 120k strong community? Let’s see you take pepper spray to the face and see which less than lethal option is more humane. I’ve had both and would rather take a taser any day of the week, you liberal hippie ass clown. No money for a new jail either, huh? That doesn’t mean the department will arrest fewer people, you shit rocket. Offenders will simply be stuck with the older building. Go back to Ferguson where you so desire and cry about why Wilson wasn’t indicted. Go armchair quarterback. Better yet, pick up the case review and educate yourself, you pathetic waste of O2.