Guns Save Life was there at the Robin Kelly event Friday in Bradley, Illinois.

Touted by the Illinois State Rifle Association as “a ‘community forum’ to advance the nationwide passage of New York-style gun control”, the event was more of a Chamber of Commerce lunch-time presentation featuring Bloomberg’s Congressman Robin Kelly, successor to Jesse Jackson Jr., who left office to serve a federal prison sentence on corruption-related charges.

Responding to the ISRA’s alert (and from Guns Save Life forwarding that announcement), between two and three dozen pro-gun folks showed up and waited inside for the Kelly, but were escorted out by police who said it was an “invitation only” event.

The good guys waited outside by the entrance to the facility with home-made pro-gun signs and waves to passers-by.

Bloomberg’s hackney Congressman Robin Kelly stated that she was unsure why the demonstrators were present, claiming she wasn’t anti-gun.

Yeah, she probably thinks it was her good looks that got her elected last election cycle, not Bloomberg’s financing roughly 80% of her campaign costs.

Kelly’s record in the Illinois General Assembly was far from anything but rabidly anti-gun.

Once in Congress, she has done precious little on any topic.  Her most “famous” act as a member of Congress was to release her “Kelly Report“, a pathetic report likely authored behind-the-scenes by (suprise!) Bloomberg’s scheme team.

Here’s a hint:  Bloomberg bought himself a lame horse that’s not going to win any races passing legislation in Congress.  Nothing anti-gun will make it through the current U.S. House, nor the U.S. Senate.

Robin Kelly might not be dumb and foolish, but she plays the role very well in her assumption that we’re idiots out here in the real world.

8 thoughts on “PLAYING DUMB: Bloomberg’s Congressman Robin Kelly claims she’s not anti-gun”
  1. For this ” invitation only ” event , did they have the high chair with seat belts for Con Robin Kelly ?

  2. Comrade Bloomberg fails again !!!!. Just like with ” moms ” ringleader Shannon Watts, this half wit liberal Robin Kelly costs plenty of dough and has nothing to show for it. So happy to see Mike ” the John ” Bloomberg end up limp and unsatisfied once again, another great choice !!!!. keep building that bridge to nowhere stupid.

  3. I was going to say the photographer didn’t get my good side but then I remembered I don’t have one 😉

  4. Kelly has her eye (or rather her master does) on Mark Kirk’s senate seat, so that Illinois would be represented by TWO anti gun Democrats instead of one and one half.

  5. The photographer is not a camera person she’s a gun person —– thus the reason. For not getting your. Better side

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