Nothing beats getting together with like-minded gun aficionados for an evening of food, fellowship and firearms!
The GSL monthly meeting in Champaign will be Tuesday evening, February 10th at the Fluid Events Center located at 601 N. Country Fair Drive, Champaign, IL. Dinner and conversation begin shortly after 5p and the meeting begins at 7pm.
The meeting is open to all!
Bring your appetite!
Speaking of dinner, we’ve got a new caterer. Bibb’s will be hooking us up with some good comfort food (the board tried a sample and it was better than good). Entree #1 will be friend chicken, mashed potatoes and the fixins. There’s also supposed to be a second meat entree if you prefer not to have chick-chick-chicken. Many thanks to Piato’s Catering for taking care of us these last few months.
We regret to say that our friends at Springfield Armory cancelled on us, citing scheduling and budgeting conflicts. They were scheduled to show up with a vast sampling of their product line and to talk about America’s oldest firearms company. Yes, we were disappointed to say the least when we got the call that they couldn’t make it. They pledged to return later in the year if at all possible.
We at Guns Save Life didn’t panic when Springfield called. We thrive on “seat of the pants” operation and have lined up the (fairly) new Illinois Federation for Outdoor Resources President Scott (Scotty) Bryant as our main speaker. IFOR is Illinois’ premier organization representing over 100,000 members to promote conservation and the great outdoors in Illinois. He’s going to talk about IFOR, along with what his group has planned under this new administration.
For Tech Time, our own Frank Wright will be on hand to discuss the M1A rifle. He’ll also have a very early civilian model, made by Springfield Armory, with a two-digit serial number. Oh yes, baby. You’re going to want to see this museum-grade piece in person.
Also on the agenda: We don’t feel so badly about giving away a GLOCK 42 this month since Springfield can’t make it (we had scheduled the Glock before we originally heard back from Springfield Armory that they were coming). Yes, Virginia, you can win a Glock 42, the new .380 that’s almost impossible to find at a decent price.
Also in the works: The Champaign Police Benevolent will be concluding their annual gun raffle, drawing for at least three really nice guns probably towards the end of our meeting to minimize the disruption. They’ll have tickets for sale as well.
Is this open for all or is this members only? New to area and would like to attend.
Hi Allan. I noticed your question so will take the liberty to reply. The meeting is open to all that want to attend. Just show up. No pre-registration of any kind required.
Thanks Dan.
Yes, the meeting is open to all!
I seen effingham meeting was canceled do to nra banquet. i have always went to banquet but feel i cannt go due to it being in a gun free zone. Ever thing i read about gfz tells me to stay the hell away from them. Of all places that should not be a gfz is a nra event. Am i wrong
about this?