Texas’ new governor Greg Abbott delivered his first State of the State address today.

In it, he made a bold pledge:

“Let me briefly follow up on a word I mentioned a moment ago – liberty.  In a single word, it encapsulates what this country stands for, what Texas symbolizes. I will expand liberty in Texas by signing a law that makes Texas the 45th state to allow Open Carry.”

Michael Bloomberg and his paid Moms Demanding Action are probably looking to change out their Depends with Abbott’s remarkable pledge.

6 thoughts on “TEXAS: Governor Abbott pledges Texas will be the 45th state with open carry”
  1. Moms demanding street light just went into rapid strobe light mode so they can wave their arms frantically. Maybe the Chicago street light shooter can fix that ?

  2. There’s 44 states that have it already? Considering all of the gun hating states, especially in the northeast, how is that possible?

  3. Go to opencarry.org to see a map of OC legal states. While many Eastern states may be ‘legal’, good luck not getting harassed by the local constabulary. Some states require a permit and some don’t to carry OC…

  4. What would street lite. Guy and tiny dancer do if Illinois. Had open carry. ??? They’re have to re. Open. Dwight prison to handle US all !

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