Some ladies have stepped up and are forming a chapter of “The Well Armed Woman” in Sangamon/Christian Counties in Central Illinois. Their first meeting will be held Tuesday, March 24th at Siddens Indoor Range in Rochester. So, ladies, check them out. No experience necessary!

Gents, if you have any ladies in your life who might be interested, be sure to forward this to them!
The new “SangChris” TWAW group joins a Macon County (Decatur area) group in Central Illinois, and seven other chapters in Illinois, mostly in Northern Illinois. For more information on The Well Armed Woman chapters or the organization, visit their website.
Here’s a news release:
A PLACE FOR WOMEN TO LEARN AND PRACTICERochester, IL – Gun ownership and the complex laws surrounding the use of firearms is a significant topic around the nation. The 2011 Gallop Poll reported forty-seven percent of American adults currently have a gun in their home and twenty three percent of women personally own a firearm. This reported gun ownership is the highest it has been in nearly two decades. With women being the largest growing segment of this the historically male dominated demographic, industry scrambles to meet the need.
With the number of women now owning firearms at such high levels, women are eager to learn and practice with other women. For a woman new to shooting, the very male driven industry can be intimidating. To create woman friendly opportunities to practice and learn, TWAW Shooting Chapters, Inc. is introducing Shooting Chapters all over the country with a new chapter here in Rochester, Illinois starting soon.
TWAW SangChris Shooting Chapter will give women of all experience levels the opportunity to be introduced to issues important to women shooters, learn safe gun handling skills and train together.
TWAW SangChris Chapter is being spearheaded by Rachel Thomas, a local female gun enthusiast. Events will be held monthly and open to all women, 21 years or older with a valid Illinois FOID card. TWAW Shooting Chapters has partnered with Siddens Indoor Range, a female owned and operated gun range. Siddens is located at 10775 Buckhart Rd, Rochester, IL, to be the host range for these monthly events. Time will be devoted to discussion and topical study as well as time on the range learning and practicing safe gun handling skills at each monthly event.
Participants will be required to pay any applicable range fees and costs of ammunition or firearm rentals. Annual Chapter membership dues of $50 offers members local and national discounts, chapter hat and member kit and is used to cover chapter expenses, insurance and events. First time attendees are not required to join.
TWAW SangChris Chapter has scheduled the first meeting and shoot for March, 24th, 2015 at 6:00 pm at Siddens Indoor Range, 10775 Buckhart Rd, Rochester, IL 62563
Women interested in learning more can contact Rachel Thomas at 217-971-8349, or visit our Facebook Page at You can also visit TWAW Shooting Chapters, Inc. website at
U. Go. Girls !!!