There were anti-police troublemakers out last night in Ferguson, circling the police station like sharks, brought by the smell of blood in the water with news of the Ferguson police chief’s resignation.
At one point late in the night, several shots were fired from about 125 yards away, wounding two of the officers.

Police took cover, and protesters taunted the police with shouts of “Acknowledgement nine months ago would have kept that from happening”.
Thankfully, the officers were released from the hospital this morning to seek follow-up medical care. No suspects were apprehended but shell casings and other evidence was recovered from what was believed to be the site where the ambush was carried out from.
We have to ask if it’s time to bring the Oath Keepers back to Ferguson. (Read: ARMED AMERICANS DID IT: Ferguson looting tamed thanks to good guy civilians with guns)
In early December, less than two dozen Oath Keepers, many standing on the roofs of local businesses in Ferguson and nearby towns, pretty much quelled rioting and violence within a day or two of their appearance, something thousands of cops couldn’t do in the days beforehand.
What was the difference?
The Oath Keepers were well armed, skilled in use of their firearms, and not constrained by politician police administrators wanting to tie their hands. The troublemakers knew that if they tried to burn down any further businesses that they would be shot on sight. Furthermore, they knew that forcibly entering the guarded businesses to loot would likely result in the same.
I vote Oath Keepers.