The Illinois Gun Owners Lobby Day will be Wednesday, March 18th.

Valinda Rowe, the spokeswoman for IllinoisCarry.com has said repeatedly that this is the largest gun rights demonstration anywhere in America.  We would like to see it stay that way AND we should make it bigger.

You can help and join us there and I’ll tell you why:

The rally, where we saturate the entire Capitol Complex in Springfield in a sea of goldenrod, helps legislators who are wobbly on gun rights issues maintain a straight spine when it comes to voting on gun rights issues.  “When they feel the heat, they see the light.”

That’s why it’s important that you take a day off work.  Bring the spouse and your kids or grandkids.  Yes, take your kids out of school for a real-life lesson in how everyday Americans can assemble and petition the government – and how state government really works.

While the ISRA has closed registration for their buses, the Guns Save Life buses in the Danville – Champaign/Urbana – Decatur corridor still have about 18 seats available, but they are filling.  Here are the pickup locations and times:


Depart the Family Dollar in Danville (1628 Georgetown Road, Tilton, IL) at 7:30 a.m.

Depart Farm & Fleet in Urbana (North Cunningham Ave/Rt. 45) at 8:30 a.m.

Depart Sam’s Club in Decatur at 9:15 a.m.

Stop at Golden Corral in Springfield at 10:30a.m. to eat lunch.

Guns Save Life busses will leave from North side of Capitol building at 4pm

CONTACT JOHN NAESE AT 217 840 0246 via voice or text to grab one of those seats.

If you’re not in the Danville/Urbana/Decatur corridor, grab some friends and carpool down.  There’s plenty of parking and it’s a great time.


Here’s the schedule and a bit of background information from our friends and allies the Illinois State Rifle Association:


Rally and March

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Let your voice be heard in Springfield!

10:30 a.m.   Doors open – Prairie Capital Convention Center –

                    sandwiches, drinks available at concessions

11:45 a.m.   Registration/Rally, Prairie Capital Convention Center

 1:00 p.m.   March to the State Capitol to lobby legislators

 3:00 p.m.   Rally at the Rotunda!

IGOLD 2015

Illinois Gun Owner Lobby Day (IGOLD) was started back in the early ‘90’s to put a face on Illinois gun owners. Up until that time the media had portrayed gun owners and those who believed in the Second Amendment as some knuckle dragging Neanderthal throw backs, barely worthy of being called humans. IGOLD helped change that although the mainstream media still labels gun owners that way, when they can get away with it.
The first ISRA Lobby Day was attended by about 200 people. Among those attending were four undercover policemen. In 2006, the ISRA joined with several other groups and ISRA Lobby Day became Illinois Gun Owner Lobby Day (IGOLD).  The Illinois Gun Owners’ Lobby Day (IGOLD) has become the number one demonstration of citizens promoting gun owners’ rights in the United States – the Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA) is its primary sponsor. The crowds have grown each year. In 2013, 8200 gun owners showed up to lobby their legislators and to become the face of all the gun owners in Illinois. Because of IGOLD and other ISRA activities, gun owners have increased in stature in Illinois.  I would like that number to reach 10,000 this year.
One of the early attendees of this big event was Otis McDonald. The court case known as McDonald et al. v. City of Chicago came about because of IGOLD.
IGOLD proves what law abiding gun owners can accomplish when they stick together. If you are a gun owner, you should make every effort to attend the next IGOLD on March 18, 2015. Last year, approximately 8,200 gun rights supporters descended on the State Capitol.
We would like every person who believes in the Second Amendment to be there – please invite everyone you know! This year we will be working to make the concealed carry law better and stopping the anti-gun groups, to make the law more difficult and restrictive for license holders.  It is critical that we let politicians know how important our gun rights are; we will be supporting only those legislators who support our gun rights. IGOLD is the ideal time to demonstrate our commitment to the Second Amendment and the right of self-defense!

IGOLD, and the preservation of the Second Amendment rights, is an expensive undertaking that involves many people, many communications, many activities, and a lot of planning. To help offset these expenses, we will be offering opportunities to participate with raffles and donations – please enter the gun raffle or simply make a donation. This year, we are offering a chance to win a Ruger SR1911 Lightweight .45 pistol, a Ruger LCR .38 revolver, or a Ruger LCP .380 pistol.

8 thoughts on “IGOLD, WEDNESDAY MAR 18: Make plans to be there in Springfield, IL”
  1. I unfortunately won’t be able to make it, however remember this. Depravity of our rights (foid cards are a depravity) begets criminal charges to oath breakers under United States Code 18 subsection 242! More than one oath breaker signing on to unconstitutional bill? Conspiracy charges under subsection 241

  2. As their peers will be robotically taking notes about history, our kids will making history as they exercise their freedoms of speech and the right to bear arms in Springfield tomorrow. Even foot surgery last week will not be keeping my husband on the couch. What’s your excuse? Please join us if you’re concerned about the direction of this country!

    1. Naturally, bringing any firearms, knives etc. is strictly prohibited inside the Capitol, but many of the congressmen/women are courteous and receptive to us each year.

  3. No guns.

    Pocket knives are iffy unless very short. Fixed blades? Forget it.

    Bring a zip lock bag to put your metal stuff in to expedite getting the the metal detectors.

    Don’t forget to check yourself for loose cartridges in your pockets. There won’t be any piles of snow to hide your “extras” in this year (although there might be mud).


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