In 2013, Barack Hussein Obama’s administration ordered the release of hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens from detention, including over 36,000 convicted criminals awaiting deportation – including ones convicted of hundreds of violent crimes including homicide, rape, kidnapping, child molestation and everything else you could possibly want in a neighbor.
In a further dereliction of duty last year, Barack Hussein Obama’s people ordered the release of more illegal aliens slated for deportation, including over 30,000 more convicted of serious crimes. From the Washington Times:
Federal immigration officers released another 30,000 immigrants with criminal records last year, following the 36,000 it released in 2013, the government announced Wednesday — though it promised to take steps to cut down on the problem.
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the agency that handles detention and removal of illegal immigrants, said it will no longer allow overcrowding to be the main reason a dangerous illegal immigrant is released, and will require a top supervisor to approve the cases of any serious criminals that officers want to release.
…Republicans in Congress have proposed rewriting the law to allow for longer detention of serious criminals, and they have called on the Obama administration to use existing powers to deny visas to leaders of countries that refuse to take their citizens back.
But the administration has declined to take those steps.
The good news, we suppose is that the 2014 number of criminal illegals released instead of deported was down from over 36,000 in 2013!
Now, do-gooders will tell you that these individuals are here in America to “start a new life”.
The illegal immigrant charged with killing an “America’s Next Top Model” contestant was only in the U.S. because the administration had granted him amnesty under President Obama’s 2012 policy for so-called Dreamers, two senators revealed Friday afternoon.
Emmanuel Jesus Rangel-Hernandez was first arrested on drug charges and was set to go before an immigration judge, but he had his deportation case closed after he was granted amnesty, or “deferred action,” in late 2013, according to documents Sens. Charles E. Grassley and Tom Tillis released.
Here’s one of his victims, Mirjana Puhar.
The young man has now been charged with three counts of murder stemming from the February slaying of three persons, including Mirjana Puhar, who had appeared on the “Top Model” show last year. He has also been charged with murder in a separate case, too, The Associated Press reported.
But it’s not just an isolated case of a violent criminal illegal alien who shouldn’t even be in the country committing a heinous crime in America.
6 thoughts on “30,000 MORE REASONS TO CARRY: Obama releases 30,000 more violent illegals”
Should be publicly handed on the Southern Border! Time for Illegal criminals to understand what waits for them!
The (Hispanic) flipping the bird and the (Hispanic) grabbing his tiny mexican peepee should be shot for just being stupid,if I had a baby penis and a beer gut I wouldn’t be advertising it.
[Guest: Please refrain from racial pejoratives. Thanks. John)
And not a one of them have a FOID card or CCW permit to legalize THEIR firearms.
Send their employers to jail and they will self deport without jobs…
Through free drivers licences, Link cards and healthcare, these aspiring job-seekers will help the economy, pay their taxes, vote in every election more than once and FINALLY save America from us. Thanks O Big Ears!
The muslim in chief Hussein Osama Oliar doesn’t care about America or Americans..I’m fully convinced of that.
Should be publicly handed on the Southern Border! Time for Illegal criminals to understand what waits for them!
The (Hispanic) flipping the bird and the (Hispanic) grabbing his tiny mexican peepee should be shot for just being stupid,if I had a baby penis and a beer gut I wouldn’t be advertising it.
[Guest: Please refrain from racial pejoratives. Thanks. John)
And not a one of them have a FOID card or CCW permit to legalize THEIR firearms.
Send their employers to jail and they will self deport without jobs…
Through free drivers licences, Link cards and healthcare, these aspiring job-seekers will help the economy, pay their taxes, vote in every election more than once and FINALLY save America from us. Thanks O Big Ears!
The muslim in chief Hussein Osama Oliar doesn’t care about America or Americans..I’m fully convinced of that.