Month: March 2015

HELP WANTED: GSL bringing our monthly meetings to Chicago

Here's something to brighten up your weekend, unless you're Rahm Emanuel or Father "Snuffy" Phleger! Guns Save Life is known for it’s popular and ever-growing monthly grassroots meetings in several cities in downstate Illinois. With consistent regular turnout between fifty and two hundred fifty people at our meeting locations, it’s…

IGOLD 2015 in pictures

The 2015 Illinois Gun Owners Lobby Day event was held Wednesday, March 18th in Springfield. Roughly 1500 gun owners from throughout Illinois turned out to spend the day as full-time gun rights activists, rallying, marching, lobbying and making themselves known to the members of the Illinois General Assembly. The event…

GLOCK 43: It’s (almost) here.

The new Glock 43, a single-stack 9mm with 6+1 capacity in 9x19, otherwise known as 9mm is featured in the latest issue of Recoil magazine. We've been hearing from industry people that it will be released Friday at the latest.  Guns may start arriving as soon as Thursday, in fact.