St. Louis Post-Dispatch photo.
St. Louis Metro Police Chief Sam “Snowflake” Dotson.  He’s no hack – he’s a special snowflake.


St. Louis Metro Police Chief Sam Dotson has a message to the law-abiding good guys of St. Louis following three shootings in his city that have left six people perforated:  Leave your guns at home.

That’s right.  Sam “Snowflake” Dotson – as in “Special Snowflake Syndrome” – made the comment to local reporters – noting that the department has a network of 400 cameras throughout the city with which to identify criminals.

KMOV reported:

“Leave it (guns) at home,” Dotson said. “Don’t give criminals more guns because we already know they are using them.”

He also says police will have access to 400 cameras throughout the city to catch criminals. Police will have access to this information from the new Real Time Crime Center.

No word on how many suspects in the three shootings have been nabbed thanks to that vaunted Real Time Crime Center.


This is the same police chief who tied his officers’ hands and sat back to let troublemakers in Ferguson run wild for weeks, looting and destroying businesses and victimizing homeowners after the Michael Brown incident and again after the announcement clearing Officer Darren Wilson of wrongdoing.


Those same rampaging trouble-makers were stopped in a day or two by less than two dozen volunteer Oath Keepers standing on rooftops with their police patrol-type rifles and a willingness to use deadly force to protect innocent life.

Hey, Chief Dotson.  Here’s an idea: Why don’t you leave your gun at home and let real men and women carry the means with which to defend and protect themselves from violent criminal predators.

Quit looking out for the best interests of America’s criminal culture and look out for the law-abiding instead of making them easy pickings.


58 thoughts on “DIM WIT? St. Louis Police chief calls for the law-abiding to leave their guns at home. “We got cameras” he says.”
    1. I live in the city of St. Louis this chief should listen to his own officers, every officer I talk to they advise me to get my right to carry as soon as possible. This chief ties his officers hands with stupid statements like this.

    2. Rick this is a guy that fixes red light tickets out of his own office. When an alderman or an alderman friend runs a red light and gets a photo of the violation, he just calls the Chiefs office and tells the officer he thinks he got a red light camera ticket. The officer will ask the caller to give the location, date and time and the license number of the car he was driving. The officer will list the info in a book so the officer, who verify a light was violated, can look for the video and void it out. No violation will be sent out. Been doing it for years. You see when a red light camera catches a violation, that violation has to be sent to the chief Dotson’s office so the violation can be validated. As the officer watches hundreds of video violations on a computer so he can verify the violation and send a ticket to the owner. But when he comes across the alderman red light violation he just clicks the button that indicates no violation occurred. Go’s on hundred times a month. You pay your ticket, but the well connected is protected.

    3. This is actually a reply to Jeff but not reply option given.

      So what if he fixes his buddies’ tickets? People get bent out of shape about stuff like that but I doubt most of us could honestly say if we were in that position that we couldn’t do the same for “friends”.

    4. You already have a right to carry, you were born with it. Politicians like this jackass have convinced you that you need a permission slip.

    5. You already have the right to carry a firearm. It’s called the Second Ammendment to the US Constitution.

  1. No sir I am not leaving my gun at home. Unless you want to dispatch an officer to ride with me and protect me when iam in your state I have just as much right to carry a firearm as you do. So why don’t you leave yours at home .. When are you people going to realize that. Can you understand the constitution ??? Have you ever read it ? Don’t you know that “” we. Are Americans Enjoying. Being an American “”. This is very much a part of being Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free

    1. Dotson, you still have the ruby red high heals. Next year lead the parade in a red glitter thong. It’ll make those pumps POP!

  2. So nice to know that after we are killed by a thug, you will have plenty of cameras to find out whodunit. Gives me so much comfort.

  3. Chief Dotson,

    We don’t carry guns to catch criminals. We carry guns to defend our lives, in the gravest extreme.

    You’re welcome to your cameras. If I need to be out in public in your town (doubtful) I’ll be carrying.

    1. We would not need guns if you would quit pulling 5 officers and a marked patrol car from each of the six districts every friday, saturday and sunday 4pm to midnight so they can patrol the Delmar loop. That’s 30 officers and 6 marked patrol cars being used on the loop to protect against thugs.those officers should be back at their home assignment protecting the citizens of their dist of you have the city officers patrolling all along delmar even in u-city. When will this supplemental detail stop. We don’t have enough officers to patrol the districts where we are assigned. It is creating a hazardous situation for the officers.stop the supplemental detail!!! Let the overtime/secondary officers do it. That was why they were hired by the loop busnesses.

  4. He is not the same Ferguson police chief. But this is crazy I have 200 plus houses in areavand I carry daily

    1. His men, along county helped – if you can call it that – in ferguson and nearby, iirc.

    2. But he wasn’t the one in charge so blaming Ferguson on him lowered the integrity of the whole article.

  5. Do these cameras have laser beams to stop criminals? I don’t see how they protect me better than my gun. Maybe they can give closure to my next of kin.

    1. No, no, no. You don’t understand. The cameras are there to record the criminal in the act of committing a crime, if he doesn’t commit the crime they can’t catch him. It is your civic duty to be a victim so we can catch him on video and then they won’t have to wonder if he is really a criminal or not. See it’s simple.

  6. What a tool.

    St. Louis is a lot safer than it used to be, thanks to concealed carry.

    And this jag wants to roll that back?

    What a tool.

  7. That’s fine, do what he asks, stay at home. Keep all of your money out of the coffers of the St. Louis economy. Don’t go there and for sure don’t spend any money there. Does Edward Jones handle your money? Move it elsewhere. Do you Drink Anheuser Busch products? Change brands. And be sure to let them know why they won’ be seeing anymore of your money.

  8. I went to St. Louis yesterday. I kept my hair combed for all of those pictures they took of me. I also took my camera, a single lens Smile-o-Matic 9MM auto-focus, in case anyone wanted me to take their picture.

  9. Chief, first I admired your leadership up to the present.
    However I DO NOT see or feel safe with cameras being the way to see who shot me or my family.
    The velocity of my Glock 9mm is 1200 fps, your police response to my potential be shot or mugged is at best 3 minutes.
    what do you think I prefer?

    1. Damn keyboard!
      I’m sure all those criminals will do as you say, but the rest of US will continue to carry.

  10. That is the stupidest comment I’ve ever heard – “leave your guns at home; don’t give the criminal more guns –“. What? Chief your are saying law abiding citizens are criminals? So you are going to protect all citizens with cameras? you are a true anti-gun liberal and a disgrace to your profession. Do you not know the meaning of self defense; do you not know the meaning of the 2A? Leave your guns at home – no! With such an ignominious statement, I suggest you take the advise of one of our great presidents -“It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt.” The good citizens of St. Louis need to initiate a recall on this chief!

    1. Dotson you really messed up when you suddenly took the regular trained CDT officers and turned the CDT responsibly over to special ops.why did you do it the night of the riots. Special ops had zero training and didn’t even have sent special ops out to ferguson without the needed training and or equipment. The guys that were trained just stood around like the national guard. Oh ya your taken care of. You had the police intel division install about 20 live feed cameras on you home for your protection but What did the rest of us get?…… nothing. Who paid for those cameras? the city tax payers? You just got a 20,000 pay raise, should have paid for them yourself.what do you expect from a guy that only spent 18 months in a patrol car and is now chief. You were only made chief because you turned on us and helped get city control. Ever since city control crime is up up up! You wanted it you got.

    2. He wasn’t elected, he was hired to parrot the Mayor’s opinion and if he wants to keep his well paid position and perks he better do as he is told.

  11. Glad I don’t live there. I have not yet seen a place where cameras have stopped a criminal. St. Louis === Criminals paradise.

  12. If I am killed I wouldn’t care IF he caught them. I’M dead. What an idiot. Police do not protect, they catch the bad guy after he has done his killing.

    1. Hey chief why don’t pack those bags under your eyes and get out of town. And take that worthless Na Na with ya. What a pos she is. Always running around with her nose up your ass taking photos of you

  13. I just wonder if Chicagos. Street lite guy and Tiny Dancer might. Have something to do with this. ???

  14. Well Snowflake, I don’t believe your cameras can stop the person attacking me nor do I believe they can administer first aid to my wounds so I will continue to carry my own protection.

    As a footnote I assume your officers will no longer carry their duty weapons because your CAMERAS are there to protect them and the citizens of St Louis. Yeah right.

  15. Another dim wit with a badge who lacks the brains to keep that clap trap under his nose shut. Maybe this buffoon of a control freak does not understand he has no authority to advise or give orders to anyone. The general response to this clown should be the time honored one finger salute.

  16. I have never heard of a camera that can stop a criminal from pulling a trigger but there have been many cases when a firearm has. I’ll take a firearm over a camera any day.

  17. Is your office in the basement of the station Chief? There might be some radon or something down there causing your thought processes to be screwed up.

  18. Chief, I find your suggestion that law abiding citizens should leave their personal protection arms at home because “you have cameras” appalling… NO camera has ever stopped an assault or rape or mugging or robbery… in fact scumbags are notoriously know for IGNORING such things including “no guns allowed” bullshit signs and laws…. no thank you sir… when and IF I ever come to your city I can promise you that I WILL be armed…. your laws and requests’ do not trump my constitutional right to self preservation and it should and does not trump the same of your citizens… you sir should rethink your position as Chief IF that is the attitude you choose to exercise regarding the personal safety of your citizens….

  19. the main reason I carry a handgun is to protect myself from you fukin tin star thugs- and I WOULD NOT hesitate for a second to shoot one of you pieces of crap in the face if I felt my life was being threatened at all

    1. Very well said!! I feel the same way. “Law enforcement officers” are just as bad as the criminals!! Fight back!!

  20. Several of your statements in the past have left me believing you were misquoted. I now believe you really are a total idiot. Who in hades makes such a non-leader, political got,, the chief of police. You are a disgrace to what has been a great department.

  21. What a great example of a complete f@#()ng idiot. Really…. a camera and I should feel safe? Sorry to say I spent 33 years in the same profession as this ass hat.

  22. Jeff,

    It sounds like I could do a whole series on this new chief you’ve got down there.

    Sounds like he should apply to be Chicago’s new chief when McCarthy gets his ass fired by Rahm.


  23. As a nation, we have stepped back 100 years in time. Interesting that folks only feel safe if they are packing when they visit St. Louis, or the north side in Chicago for that matter…lived and worked both places…and packed for a living.
    It isn’t the gun, rather the inner city element who has access to them, the drug wars and decay of our once beautiful and safe citys. Rolling gun battles on the Interstate highways are not encouraging to investors. business nor the tourist.
    Since the DOJ is hell bent on tying the hands of the police, conditions are only going to get worse. The fix?…expensive and long term…the option?…chain link fence and food drops…sadly, neither is going to happen…so if you must, “take your guns to town” but be aware of the price you might pay for exercising your right to do so.

  24. You can kiss my butt chief dotson!! I WILL carry my gun with me at all times. It is my Second Ammendment right, and I will NOT be a victim of the criminals of your city. I would rather be alive than dead. You are very stupid chief!!

  25. Not sure what to say other than quote the article..yep..”Those same rampaging trouble-makers were stopped in a day or two by less than two dozen volunteer Oath Keepers standing on rooftops with their police patrol-type rifles and a willingness to use deadly force to protect innocent life.

    Hey, Chief Dotson. Here’s an idea: Why don’t you leave your gun at home and let real men and women carry the means with which to defend and protect themselves from violent criminal predators.

    Quit looking out for the best interests of America’s criminal culture and look out for the law-abiding instead of making them easy pickings”

  26. The Chief needs to talk to Chicago about cameras solving crimes and preventing shootings …. Chicago has THOUSANDS of cameras – one on every corner in the Southside Shooting Gallery …. murder & shooting case solve rate – about 10%

  27. Thankfully it is not up to him. The Constitution for the United States of America (the Supreme Law of the Land), the Bill of Rights and the Amendments thereto, and the constitutions and statutes of all 50 states, guarantee the right of the whole body of the People—the unorganized militias of the several states, all able-bodied citizens, a pre-existing body—to keep and bear arms for the defense of their lives and property, and to execute the laws of the states and the union, to suppress insurrections, and to repel invasions. Thankfully the supremacy of the law is on our side.

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