The Wikileaks release of Sony Pictures emails is helping to paint a picture of how Everytown For Gun Control, Bloomberg’s central gun grabbing group is promoting itself to potential donors.
One new point we picked up was that Bloomberg is dumping $50M annually into the Everytown cesspool of paid political hacks.
From John Feinblatt of Everytown for Gun Control
FYI: Lynton is the CEO of Sony Pictures Entertainment. David Diamond is his secretary.
It also takes a strategic plan. I believe we have the critical elements in place: a 50-state grassroots operation led by Moms Demand Action; a well-funded super PAC that will hold elected officials accountable for their votes; a policy and legal shop that knows this issue inside and out; and a communications and social media team that gets our message out to our 1.9 million members (with a goal of 2.5 million members by year’s end) and the press and public. In the end, this has to be about the safety of our kids and grandchildren, and not about the Second Amendment.
While we are headquartered in NYC and DC, we are increasingly convinced that, like marriage equality, this is an issue that has to be fought state by state. That’s why our recent wins in Washington State, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Louisiana are so significant. At the same time, we’ll always keep a watchful eye on federal legislation and opportunities. While this issue is not for the faint of heart and will require a commitment for the long haul, I’m optimistic that we can match the NRA, which is facing steep hurdles as the country becomes more suburban and urban, and which is forced to take extreme stands that are out of touch with its members and the general public.
Here’s a second email Feinblatt sent to Warner Brothers (then-head) Barry Meyer:
We announced Everytown for Gun Safety last month, convinced that we needed to build a counterweight to the gun lobby, which has had the field to themselves for a generation. This takes money, which is why Mike Bloomberg’s commitment of $50 million per year is so important. But it also takes a strategic plan. We have the critical elements in place: a 50 state grassroots operation led by Moms Demand Action and modeled off of Mothers Against Drunk Drivers; a well-funded super PAC that will hold elected officials accountable for their votes; a policy and legal shop that knows this issue inside and out; and a communication and social media team that gets our message out to our 1.5 million members (with a goal of 2 ½ by years end) to the press and the public. In the end this has to be about the safety of our kids and grandchildren and not a fight about the Second Amendment.
While we are headquartered in NYC and DC, we are increasingly convinced that, like marriage equality, this is an issue that has to be fought state by state, which is why our recent wins in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Washington are so significant. Even so, we will always keep a watchful eye on Federal legislation and opportunities. While this issue is not for the faint of heart and will require a commitment for the long haul, I am optimistic that we can match the NRA, which is facing steep hurdles as the country becomes more suburban and urban and is forced to take extreme stands that are out of sync with its members and the populace.
Let’s evaluate the strategic plan and how it is progressing:
A 50-state grassroots operation led by Moms Demand Action: What a farce that is… They struggle to turn out a half-dozen to protest at Staples, Target and Kroger stores, and often half of those are either kids in strollers or men. That’s grassroots? No, that’s moonbats.

A well-funded super PAC that will hold elected officials accountable for their votes:
No doubt Bloomberg’s Everytown tried to be a factor, but their money and endorsements went almost exclusively to incumbents. That’s not exactly holding politicians accountable. If they were a major player, they would have been sending money to the challengers of pro-gun incumbents. Heaven knows they had plenty to choose from!
How did the mid-term elections in 2014 go for Bloomberg’s buddies?
The biggest high-profile win for Bloomberg was the ballot initiative in Washington State.
Most of the rest? It wasn’t a good night for gun control advocates: Second Amendment Crushes Gun Control Candidates in Midterm Elections
A policy and legal shop that knows this issue inside and out:
Yes, indeed.
These guys don’t even know what a bullet looks like.
A communications and social media team that gets our message out to our 1.9 million members (with a goal of 2.5 million members by year’s end) and the press and public.
Do they consider Facebook likes as members? If so, they didn’t make their goal as they have 619,000 likes as of today. Someone should send them this link to buy Facebook likes.
Here’s an example of their social media exposure:
And then there are comments on social media that don’t go quite according to plan.
All photos via (except top photo, courtesy of Gizmodo).
They are headquartered in NYC and DC,that about sums it up.Out of touch with reality,elitest mentality,and guarded and escorted by people with guns.
I smell desperation .
Mr. Morris:
You smell desperation. I’m smelling a stinky bowel movement.
I am dumbfounded that Michael Bloomberg is spending $50M *a year* on Everytown. Frankly, I thought it was a one-time deal. I thought he was a smart guy. Maybe he’s just a looney zealot.
I supposed physically flushing $100M down a modern, low-flow toilet would be too hard, so giving it to those fools is the easiest way to squander scores of millions of US currency.
Someone or several someones are getting rich. Who else wants to bet Mr. Feinblatt, for Finesplat is one of them.
Mr. bloomberg is either loony or corrupt.
Instead of just squandering his money, perhaps there is a backroom deal where he spends $50M on anti-2A stuff and in return someone else funnels him lots of business.
Personally, I think he is corrupt.
I’m pretty sure that bottom one was a fake, not a real MDA campaign.
The fact that it’s debatable says a lot. I wouldn’t put it past the demanding mommies.
A “50 state strategic plan” and “grassroots” don’t go together.
ONLY 60% of rapes occur outside the victim’s home???
What kind of a line is that to put in an ad?
It was a satirical spoof created to discredit MDA, plain and simple. I read an article on it awhile back. Rather hilarious.
The most incendiary word in that back-fire of a post is “ONLY.”
Only 60% of rape victims should NOT a way to defend themselves from a violent and brutal attack.
Only 60% of rape victims should submit and hope they are only traumatized for life instead of being killed.
What a bunch of idiots.
You can find their anti-gun messaging guide at this site:
They have an initiative that WILL be on the ’16 ballot here in NV similar to the one passed in Washington state last (s)election.
LOL. My message to them is a lot more pithy.
It consists of my middle finger upraised.