Photo via Forbes.

It’s officially more bad news for NY Governor Andrew Cuomo.

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Already facing federal prosecutors inching closer to building a corruption case against him, Cuomo now faces embarrassing political news that will demonstrate his impotence as a little dictator relating to his administration’s landmark gun control bill, the NY “SAFE” Act:

Gun-rights group wins NY suit to release data

ALBANY ( – A state Supreme Court judge has ruled that the state needs to make public statistical information on the number of assault weapons registered in New York.

The April 30 ruling in Albany was disclosed Thursday by the Shooters Committee on Public Education, a gun-rights group that sued last year after the state refused to release the details. State Police claimed the information was not public under a gun-control law passed in January 2013.

Paloma Capanna, a Rochester-area lawyer who represented the group, called the decision a major victory for transparency in government.

She said she would file an order demanding the release of the data if the state doesn’t immediately comply; the state may also appeal. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of Bill Robinson, a Penfield, Monroe County, gun-rights activist.

Why is this announcement so scary for Cuomo and those who voted for it?

Because of the stunningly low rate of compliance:

As Many As One Million Armed New Yorkers Are About To Break The Law

(Forbes) – This year April 15 is more than the tax deadline for an estimated one million New York State residents. It’s also the deadline to register “assault weapons” and “high-capacity” magazines. If they don’t, they’ll begin living outside the law. A lot of them have decided to do just that. They’ve decided to practice civil disobedience even though failure to register an “assault weapon” by the deadline is punishable as a “class A misdemeanor,” which means a maximum sentence of one year in prison.

Bob Owens at Bearing Arms says the rumored number of compliant gun owners is 5,000 or less.

Photo via Bearing
NY residents wintering in Florida burn their NY SAFE Act forms in protest.



3 thoughts on “POOR ANDY: NY’s anti-gun governor worrying about more than criminal investigations…”
  1. Off topic but New York related; I just got a notification of violation from New York State E-Z pass, said I had used their E-Z lane without a pass. Sent it back saying I have never been and never will be in their state and I want re-embursed for my postage. Maybe they are trying to re-coup lawyer fees. Jim.

  2. Bless those oppressed New York gun owners. I sincerely hope Cuomo goes to prison before he can push this nonsense any further.

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