Texas Tribune photo

Who was the rocket surgeon who thought it would be a good idea to parade a bunch of women in front of a legislative body not only with the same talking points, but the same prepared “speech” as they claimed to be merely interested observers.

Are those women so intellectually feeble they couldn’t put a cogent sentence or two together relating to their thoughts on open carry?  Or are they basically just disinterested, there for a paycheck and some free pizza before heading home for the day?

Open Carry Texas does a bang-up job putting this clip together of MDA “supporters” saying the same words, over and over and over, down in Texas a few days ago.

That’s what Bloomberg’s $50 million a year is buying him.

With this level of incompetence, how in the world did he become a billionaire?



10 thoughts on “GROUNDHOG DAY: Compilation of Moms Demand Action testimony… they’re all reading the same script. Literally.”
  1. How embarrassing.

    I’m glad they can’t seem to find their ass in a snowstorm.

    If they had hired decent activists for that money, they might actually get something bad done.

  2. Their plan is obvious.Bore everyone to death so they’ll agree to anything just to shut them up in preference to listening to a series of drones repeat the same thing for hours on end.LOL

  3. Pathetic indeed.

    Moms Demand Action probably thought this was a big success for them because the found a half-dozen ladies who could read and who hate guns in Texas.

  4. Yep, quite Funny. I also liked that eye roll at 6:18.

    I don’t normally like OC for tactical reasons, But I’d sure like to have the option. How long before we get it in IL?

  5. To give the Devil his due, though, how many petitions do we send in, filling in our names to text that the NRA, GOA, GSL and other gun rights organizations provide? I’m not sure we’re not in the position of the pot calling the kettle black, here.

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