

The residents of Baltimore are today getting the policing policies they were demanding so publicly a few weeks ago when thousands turned out in anti-police protests.

Protesters are gathered for a rally to protest the death of Freddie Gray who died following an arrest in Baltimore


Those peaceful protests quickly turned into massive looting and violence as the sun went down in the “Greatest City in America”.  Mobs burned and damaged hundreds of businesses in looting and violence over a multi-day orgy of violence.

Photo via Breitbart

Photo via National Review Online.


In an effort to quell the groups of blacks rioting, the local State’s Attorney charged six police officers in the death of Freddie Gray.  The charges were nothing more than feeding those cops to a lynch mob to satisfy their quest for vengeance.

Yep, only a mental midget would arrest and criminally charge a bunch of cops who had little to nothing to do with a heroin dealer’s self-mutilation turned suicide.

Only an even simpler mental midget would think that arresting cops to assuage a mob of criminal thugs isn’t going to send a strong and powerful message to police.


Baltimore gets bloodier as arrests drop post-Freddie Gray

BALTIMORE (AP) — A 31-year-old woman and a young boy were shot in the head Thursday, becoming Baltimore’s 37th and 38th homicide victims so far this month, the city’s deadliest in 15 years.

Meanwhile, arrests have plunged: Police are booking fewer than half the number of people they pulled off the streets last year. Arrests were already declining before Freddie Gray died on April 19 of injuries he suffered in police custody, but they dropped sharply thereafter, as his death unleashed protests, riots, the criminal indictment of six officers and a full-on civil rights investigation by the U.S. Justice Department that has officers working under close scrutiny.


Well, Baltimore’s police have gotten the message loud and clear.

“Police used to sit on every corner, on the top of the block. These days? They’re nowhere.

And the people they used to police?

They’re acting like a bunch of knuckle-dragging, uncivilized barbarians.

Baltimore Bloodshed Continues; 29 Shot, 9 Dead Over Holiday Weekend


21 thoughts on “BALTIMORE: Getting the policing they demanded”
    1. Actually monkeys walk on their knuckles, [deleted] drag theirs.

      [Edited by JBoch: We won’t use the N-word here. Surely you can communicate your thoughts without using that pejorative. If not, then there are websites that welcome that sort of ranting. This is NOT one of them. We welcome all law-abiding gun owners here.]

  1. Who’s the “mental midget” who wrote this crap? John?

    “Yep, only a mental midget would arrest and criminally charge a bunch of cops who had little to nothing to do with a heroin dealer’s self-mutilation turned suicide.”

    I expect better of you, sir.

    Were you there? NO! Do you know what happened? NO!

    So now you’re just parroting the cops’ stories? To heck with being an independent and fact-finding “journalist?”

    Are you bl*wing second city cop on the side?

    For pete’s sake, man, why not wait until the facts are IN before you declare guilt or innocence?

    A PRISONER of the police became DEAD of a broken neck while in police custody. Those are KNOWN and ADMITTED facts.

    How it happened is, as yet, a mystery.

    Unless you were there? Then you should call your cop buddies and give your side of the story.

    Not a cop hater. Just a cop distruster. I wouldn’t trust one if he swore on a stack of KJ Bibles in front of a busful of nuns.

  2. Ken,

    The evidence supports John’s take, not your cop-hating, “Black Lives Matter” make-believe physics and facts don’t matter belief.

    Your comments have become increasingly acerbic, bordering on offensively obnoxious.

    While you have right to free speech, GSL is not obligated to provide you a forum from which to speak freely. Especially if you’re an obnoxious turd.

    You’ve been an obnoxious turd lately, in case you’ve been too busy maligning the police to recognize that fact.

    Anyone here disagree with me?


    1. Hey sam? I’ve never called you any names. Yet you call me acerbic and obnoxious? Hmm. Truth stings sometimes, don’it?

      Why don’t you just go back to admiring all the boys’ balls like you were a while back?

      Oh, and since I’m a member, GSL DOES provide me a forum.

      I am glad to know that though the majority of you guys are “good” guys, some of you are no better than the scum you write about.

      The ONLY evidence that is “in” in the case I discuss is that a boy is dead and was in cop custody when he was killed.

      That is ALL that is known. The investigation is continuing.

      Perhaps you should shut your mouth until the investigation is completed.

      Or better yet, just shut your mouth altogether. Calling me names just exhibits your own inadequacies. Mayhap that’s why you’re always admiring other mens’ balls?

      Just sayin’

    2. As for your accusation that I have been “maligning the police,” any who wishes to give me his email address may receive a pdf compilation of WND’s explication of the Miriam Carey MURDER by D.C. cops, park cops and US Secret Service.

      I’ll post a url of the first part of the series, if John deigns to leave it here: http://www.wnd.com/2015/05/murdered-mom-cover-up-implodes-as-report-released/

      THere are four parts and some follow-up stories which I’ve compiled onto one nice, neat document.

      So, is this “maligning” the police? Just showing that yet another cop murder took place?

      Oh, and FYI, I don’t really “hate” the police, just fear them, distrust them, revile them, am disgusted by them, disdain them, disrespect them, and am smarter than them. All of which means that I am a threat to them.

      When the cops can do this to an unarmed mother who has BROKEN NO LAWS (the EVIDENCE IS “IN” ON THIS ONE, BOYS!! The case is “CLOSED” and no indictments nor even the promise of any is forthcoming–it’s the biggest coverup since Hitlary’s emails.), THEN THEY CAN AND WILL DO IT TO THE REST OF US.

      The distinction between you and me? I know it. You’ll be lying dead in the ditches with the rest of the cop-blowers.

    3. ……”Oh, and FYI, I don’t really “hate” the police, just fear them, distrust them, revile them, am disgusted by them, disdain them, disrespect them, and am smarter than them. All of which means that I am a threat to them”…..

      ….Don’t forget your past condoning and inciting others to murder police mr. mental midget ken.

    4. For the record Ken, you neeed to get OFF wnd.com and similar Alex-Jonesian cess pools. While they may share similar values, sites like that have lower journalistic integrity (and in general intellectual honesty) than your typical tabloid.

      They are in the business of selling fear in exchange for ad-revenue.

      Don’t get me wrong, there are PLENTY of MAJOR things wrong with our government, but sites like that aren’t trying to inform you – they’re trying to keep you baited and clicking.

  3. It seems that Black lives don’t matter at all to the politicians and race baiters.

    If the Black community wants this killing to stop, they are going to have to accept the responsibility, step up and make it stop.

  4. A little education to get past their life-long brainwashing that “guns are bad” might be useful…

    It will be a whole new world in the hood when bad guys know there are good guys with guns nearby.

  5. Just need to let the bodies pile up! Ambulance services need to stop answering call’s to risky neighborhoods!

  6. If I was a cop in a big city like that after all the flack they’ve caught recently I’d be doing the same thing… Let those idiots see what its like when those “racist cops” aren’t around to save their sorry asses!

  7. Riots show how nanny state recipients really are, sorta like illegal immigrants who are given everything and still want more freebee! these down trodden people want what respect then act with respect! most can not speak with a coherent thought! the bible says an Eye for An Eye!the Koran speaks similar! so import ISIS for crowd control!

  8. ken- You state that John should wait until all the evidence is in before declaring guilt or innocence. Why don’t you follow that same advice? You are always declaring that cops, as a whole, are guilty of misdeeds. So you apparently are no different.

    You say to wait until all the evidence is in and the investigation is complete. Why is the DA,(or whatever the name there) not doing that? If the investigation is not complete, then why were the cops charged weeks ago?

    As we’ve seen before, black lives matter only when it results from police interaction. When it is hundreds of them killed as a result of fellow blacks, as in Chitcago and elsewhere, no one notices, or seems to care.

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