Cartoon via Legal Insurrection

Two anti-gun Democrats have proposed the U.S. taxpayers foot the bill for $60M in anti-gun junk science “studies”.

Yes, you read that correctly.  Democrat Senator Edward Malarkey (D-Mass.) and Representative Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) are behind the scheme to spend taxpayer money on junk science “research” to supported failed gun control.

Why are they proposing this?  Could it be that more and more Americans are increasingly unswayed by tired, anti-gun platitudes from politicians and celebrities?  Could it be more and more Americans are seeing the images from Baltimore, Ferguson, and now New Jersey of rioting hoodlums running amok – and the police restrained from stopping the anarchy.

Americans today recognize the proven, life-saving benefits of firearms ownership, more so than in a long time.

By the way, this proposal is dead on arrival.

Yes, I know Malarkey’s real name is “Markey”, but with proposals like this, he’s earned the change.

(NRA-ILA) – On Monday, NRA F-rated Sen. Edward Markey (D-Mass.) and Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) introduced legislation to authorize the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to give $60 million of the taxpayers’ money to anti-gun activists over the next six years, to conduct “research” promoting gun control.

The two longtime anti-gun legislators say that their bill is necessary for two reasons, both of which are hokum:

First, they say, Congress in 1996 “almost halted entirely” all funding of gun control research, the operative word being “almost.” In 1996, Congress did stop the CDC from funneling millions of the taxpayers’ dollars to anti-gunners to conduct “research”–pitiful by academic standards–designed from the get-go to promote a political agenda against a constitutionally-protected right.

However, it didn’t shut off the spigot through which millions of dollars flow to the same anti-gunners from leftwing philanthropic foundations. For example, the Joyce Foundation alone has given several million dollars to a variety of anti-gun groups and individuals every year since 1996.

Second, Markey and Maloney say, anti-gun research is necessary to stop the “gun violence . . . epidemic,” which Maloney implies is increasing. Words have meaning, however. An epidemic is a sudden and severe outbreak of an infectious disease throughout a community, and “gun violence” isn’t a disease, it’s not widespread, it doesn’t affect all segments of the population equally, and it’s been decreasing, not increasing.



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