Chicago’s Father “Snuffy” Pfleger surrounded by his armed guards. Guns are bad, right? Except when they are to protect him.


Father Pfleger, the hypocritical Chicago priest who hates guns but travels with armed bodyguards (Guns for me, but not for thee), will bring his demagoguery circus to the southwest suburb of Tinley Park on Thursday, June 11th.  At 7pm at St. George’s Church (6707 West 175th Street, Tinley Park, IL), Father Pfleger will tell the assembled masses how guns are evil and we should work to ban them for all Americans – except for people who can afford armed bodyguards.

The event, according to the Illinois State Rifle Association, is a recruiting event to sign up misguided individuals to work for gun control schemes.

Guns Save Life is calling on our members, friends and freedom loving individuals to crash Pfleger’s party.

Get there early – say at 6:15 or 6:30 to get a good seat to the event.  You can go discreetly dressed or you can wear your IGOLD wear, or your favorite NRA, GSL or ISRA clothing.

Call him out on his lies and speak the truth.

Let folks know that armed blacks don’t get oppressed and armed gays don’t get bashed.

Recall what Father Pfleger said at a 2007 rally at Chuck’s Guns in Riverdale:  “He’s the owner of Chuck’s. John Riggio. R-i-g-g-i-o.  We’re going to find you and snuff you out… you know you’re going to hide like a rat. You’re going to hide but like a rat we’re going to catch you and pull you out.”





7 thoughts on “LET’S ROLL THIS THURSDAY (ILLINOIS): Time to crash an anti-gun recruitment event”
  1. Will the Adidas guy have a new jacket?

    I think a photographer’s vest would be cooler.

  2. Ken,

    I don’t think anyone ever said cops were perfect.

    I’d bet a $100 bill that you can’t walk on water either.


    1. Sam, is there ANY post ever that you haven’t commented on here? WITHOUT, that is, complimenting some young feller’s balls?

    2. I’ve been a gun owner for a long while, highly conservative, and think for myself. I too get sick of this belief that worshipping cops is required to be a “good guy.” Cops are govt. employees with a powerful union, and get great pay and pensions for doing very little productive employment while being relatively uneducated. They’re not heroes, and they aren’t too worried about protecting you. They consider themselves special and superior to the common folk. As incompetent as govt. employees are, somehow a high school grad wearing a pot metal badge becomes a heroic protector of all that is good and wholesome. Stop it already.

  3. Sorry I couldn’t make it again. But you did a good job your on the news tonite. It said. Pro gunners. Heckle Fr Flaked. Tonite and showed everybody. Sittin in the pews. In church nice job. You did good —–mission accomplished

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