Photo via Washington Post.

Church violence found its way into the mainstream media’s headlines as nine died yesterday in an attack on an AME church in Charleston, SC.  A bad man, with evil in his heart, entered the place of worship and went on a rampage, killing nine and wounding more.

Of course, the fact that the suspect was white and the victims black make this a particularly appealing story to the leftists in the mainstream media and the cynics among us have no doubt the Grievance Industry will be showing up with the usual race-baiting.  Look for this to the “the” headline story for a few days.

If one needed reasons why arming good guys with guns in churches was a good idea, this event was it.  If there had been a good guy or two with guns, they could have abruptly put an end to this spree killer’s berserk attempt to take innocent life.

Most instances of church violence don’t make the news, but they happen on a regular basis.

If you are a church-going gun owner, and plenty of us are, you might reconsider any inclinations not to practice prudence and discreetly carry your safety rescue tool.  Someday you could be the only thing between a crazed lunatic and that person’s evil intention to kill or maim as many as possible in a short period of time until police arrive.

Washington Post.

Let’s pray for the victims and that the Obama Administration and the usual suspects don’t use this terrible tragedy to exacerbate strains and further set back racial relations in today’s America.

6 thoughts on “9 REASONS TO ARM GOOD GUYS AT CHURCHES: Evil strikes Charleston, SC church”
  1. It is sickening to see the report stating that they immediately called this a hate crime.
    It very well may be. However, if the races were reversed, they would find every reason to NOT call it a hate crime.
    Something is askew there.

    If it is a hate crime, what does it matter, really? The guy should get the death penalty for the killings. Can you punish him more than that if it were because of hate. Are you going to kill him twice?

  2. Churches in SC are designated GFZ.
    So, unless the Church officials gives someone authorization to carry, it is against the law.
    This event will cause more demands to make all Churches GFZ even though such designation, in reality, does nothing more than to make all unarmed and defenseless as in schools and the theater in Col.

  3. Churches are gun free zones in South Carolina?

    Well, that worked well, didn’t it?

    Can we maybe ban murder instead?


    1. Yes, please, let’s make murder and mass killings against the law, ….oops, I think they already are, arent they? (sarc)

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