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Following the mass killing of black church goers by a lunatic, drug abusing social misfit white kid, Louis Farrakhan feels emboldened enough to issue a public threat:

“If you ever raise your hand”, he says, “we will kill every last one of you.”

Of course, “Minister” Louie has ignored black-on-white crime for decades.

Hey Calypso Louie, aka Louis Eugene Wolcott:  Whenever you think you’re up to it, you better bring some your A-team when you come downstate to carry out your threat.

Just because only about one in ten Illinois residents have guns doesn’t mean that there aren’t plenty of good men and women in this state quite capable of controlling the Rifleman’s Quarter-mile.  Should you start carrying out the threat, I personally doubt you will make it south of I-80.

His latest threat comes on the heels of his public pronouncement that we should put the American flag down.




5 thoughts on “CALYPSO LOUIE: Farrakhan says his followers are going to kill you”
  1. C’mon over, Mr. F. and carry out your threat.

    I’ve got some bacon. I’ve got some .30-06. And I’ve got a Garand.

    You prefer your lead dipped in bacon grease or just hot?

    May Allah have mercy on your soul. Oh, that’s right. There’s no Allah. It’ll be Jesus casting judgement on your soul. I predict it’s going to be hell for you.

    1. Let’s not get carried away. He made a ridiculous, tough-guy statement – the kind you’d find in the forums all over. We don’t need to stoop to his level.

  2. Guys, you need to listen to the whole clip before you end up looking like fools. This is a text-book case of click-bait journalism.

    Louie is a great fool, and a dangerous man, no question. But what he is telling his devotees here is to debate Islam peacefully with non-believers, and if that doesn’t work, then walk away “nobly”. But goes on to say if you attack us *PHYSICALLY* – “we will kill you all”.

    Aside from the fact that it is stated in a context of proselytizing Islam, I would actually agree with that advice to an extent.

    Lets be better than the mainstream media – facts, not sensationalism.

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