Those who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it.


Photo via Facebook.
The author, Bianca Campbell.

Here’s another in the latest fad of anti-gunners demanding a “right” to be free of guns around them.  This was was published by a far-left, pro-abortion blog.

Powerless in the Face of White Supremacy and a Gun

This piece is published in collaboration with Echoing Ida, a Forward Together project.

by Bianca Campbell

While out shopping in Georgia at my favorite bookstore, the same day the Emanuel AME Church reopened its doors after the mass shooting, a white man in camouflage entered the store openly carrying a gun on his hip.

In my home state, we recently allowed licensed individuals to bring their guns into bars, churches, and college campuses, all for the sake of “safety.” Yet, in this moment, at the bookstore, I realized that such gun control laws only ensure certain people feel safe, while others who do not wish to own a gun are left feeling powerless.

…Too soon because I haven’t processed the constant surveillance and prosecution I experience as a dark-skinned Black person navigating a society where I can be tried and executed in the streets without jury.

…As he approached me in a corner of the store, my heart raced as I thought about the families of the victims and the nine people who were being put to rest in Charleston.


Who is Bianca Campbell, aside from being a hard-core leftist moonbat who in her learned bigotry assumes a white guy with a gun is a white supremacist about to shoot black people?

Here’s her bio from the Reproductive and Sexual Health and Justice website:  “Bianca Campbell writes with the amazing women at Echoing Ida to promote the voices of Black women on reproductive justice. She is also a doula and co-director of ARC Southeast, a regional reproductive fund and advocacy organization.”

Her Twitter self-description:  “Queer Carib providing full spectrum pregnancy support to lovers in the South.”

Dear Bianca Campbell, Queer Carib and Bigot Extraordinaire:

I know you’re going to stumble across this in the next few days.

Let me share a bit of knowledge with you.  A simple fact.

Armed blacks don’t get oppressed.  

And the corollary:  With decisions come consequences.

That’s it.  It’s your choice, Bianca.

You can empower yourself so your heart doesn’t race at the sight of another person minding their own business.  Or you can cower in fear, breathlessly hiding behind bookcases, lamenting in your flawed perceptions of America.

If you chose to ignore the proven benefits of firearm ownership, then you get to suffer the consequences – such as being “tried and executed on the street” or some such poppycock.

Oleg Volk photo.

Love and kisses,


9 thoughts on “DEAR BIANCA CAMPBELL: Armed blacks don’t get oppressed”
  1. Bianca Campbell proves that her kind of ugly is far more than skin deep.

    I really could give a damn who she sleeps with. I’m sure some sad guy out there would be desperate (and crazy enough) enough to date and/or marry a crazy kook like her, but why is she such an advocate for abortions when she is a self-admitted “queer”?

    When I see people like her, I think that abortion isn’t so bad and I’ll tell you why: I’d rather she aborted a baby than raise it to be an ignorant bigot like herself. We have enough of those idiots in America. We don’t need more low-information types.

    1. Have to disagree. A baby is a baby, and is life. It needs a chance just like anyone else.
      We promote firearm ownership for the protection of life. Why should that be any different?

    2. I think we all agree that abortion is effectively murder, particularly when the fetus is viable.

      BUT, If we’re going to lose a life to an abortion, let it be Bianca’s child and not a future scientist, explorer or intellectual.

  2. She needs to spend more time learning about the real world and getting a marketable skill and less time dancing like a fool.

  3. If the truth be made known, I bet Bianca Campbell is a part of the illegal gun culture herself. She’s a full-blown bigot and as such just has to display it every chance she gets. I bet no part of this story is even true. Nuff said!!!!

  4. That skinny bitch thinks she can kick an average man’s ass?

    Sure thing, sugar britches.

    1. But we can bleach her dna outta the gene pool.

      Come to think of it, she is doing that herself.

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