Daily Mail photo.
Ariana Grande

Someone else to put on your “do not support” list.

Someone should ask Ariana if she can spell “Dixie Chicks”.  Then again, spelling may well not be her long suit.


(Washington Free Beacon) – Security camera footage released on Wednesday shows pop star Ariana Grande, who supports Democrat Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential bid, expressing her extreme distaste for the United States of America and its citizens.

“I hate Americans. I hate America,” Grande is shown saying on the footage, captured at a California donut shop and posted by TMZ on Wednesday.

8 thoughts on “POP TWIT: Pop Star Ariana Grande on July 4th: “I Hate Americans. I Hate America.””
  1. Never heard of her, either.
    This is what you get when you send your children off to the public school system.
    A lot of people send their kids to public school for “socialization.”
    They get socialized all right, in the Marxist way.

  2. Ariana,
    For the sake of your sanity and the benefit of honorable Americans, please transport yourself and any like-minded libiots to your favorite communist country ASAP and we will all sleap more soundly at night. Your libiot views and hatred of Americans and our great country will not be missed. Take your idiot “fans” and those who made you some kind of “pop star” along so you won’t be lonely, PLEASE!

  3. Let her sing with the Dixie Chicks. She will be right at home.

    Nothing like career suicide!

    To be young and foolish…

  4. I find her response and apology to be less than sincere. She has stated that her remarks were in regards to how Americans let kids eat anything and how it contributes to childhood obesity. She says this as she’s buying donuts……….

    1. Does she think the rest of us are as stupid as she is?

      Nice try.

      Insult me once, shame on you.
      Insult me twice, shame on me.

      Her parents must be so proud.

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