Ammoland has a great and lengthy interview done with Donald Trump talking guns.

I personally always thought Mr. T was so-so on guns.

Not so today.  He’s pretty darn pro-gun in this interview.

If this guy gets elected, the Democrats are going to have their hands full.

via Dana Loesch

AmmoLand: Speaking of family I know you and your sons recently attended the 2015 NRA Annual Meeting, where you were asked to speak. How long have you been active with the NRA and what do you think about the influence the NRA has in politics?

Donald Trump:

“I am a Life Member of the NRA and am proud of their service in protecting our right to keep and bear arms.  The NRA’s efforts to stop dangerous, gun-banning legislation and regulation is invaluable.  The media focus on those efforts overshadows the great work the NRA does on behalf of safety and conservation.

I have a permit to carry and, living in New York, I know firsthand the challenges law-abiding citizens have in exercising their Second Amendment rights.  My most trusted sources are my sons, Don, Jr. and Eric.  They are fantastic sportsmen and are deeply involved in hunting, competitive shooting, and habitat conservation.”

AmmoLand: The deceptive term “Assault Weapons” has proven to be a buzz word among the anti-gun media. Back in 2000 in your book “The America We Deserve” you wrote “The Republicans walk the NRA line and refuse to even limited restrictions. I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I also support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun.” Since that time the AR15 rifle, what the media calls an “assault weapons“, has become America’s most popular firearm with millions and millions of them owned by good people.

Do you still stand by this quote or has your thinking evolved over the 15 years since you wrote that line?

Donald Trump:

“I certainly stand by my opposition to Gun Control when it comes to taking guns from law-abiding citizens.  You mention that the media describes the AR-15 as an “assault rifle,” which is one example of the many distortions they use to sell their agenda.  However, the AR-15 does not fall under this category.  Gun-banners are unfortunately preoccupied with the AR-15, magazine capacity, grips, and other aesthetics, precisely because of its popularity.”

“To the Left every gun is an assault weapon.”

“Gun control does not reduce crime. It has consistently failed to stop violence. Americans are entitled to protect their families, their property and themselves. In fact, in right-to-carry states the violent crime rate is 24% lower than the rest of the United States and the murder rate is 28% lower. This should not be up for debate.”


He covers some other topics (there are several).  Here are a couple of my favorites.

He doesn’t think much of Karl Rove.  (That makes two of us.)

AmmoLand: Karl Rove recently voiced support for a repeal of the Second Amendment as a way to stop gun violence. What do you think of this suggestion or, as our readers believe, is it a God given right that can not be repealed by politicians?

Donald Trump:

“Karl Rove is a proven loser. He wasted $400 million in 2012 and did not win a single race.

“The Second Amendment is a bedrock natural right of the individual to defend self, family, and property.  It is a ridiculous notion to ever repeal it.”

“For Rove to even think it shows a lack of respect for all of the freedoms in our Constitution and a complete ignorance of our shared American inheritance.”

AmmoLand: Universal Background Checks to acquire guns is something President Obama has long been pushing for, yet background checks would not or did not stop any of the recent shooters from getting guns. What is your position on Background Checks? And do you see a need for even more government approval for someone to own a gun?

Donald Trump:

“I do not support expanding background checks. The current background checks do not work.”

“They make it more difficult for law abiding citizens to acquire firearms while consistently failing to stop criminals from getting guns. We should re-examine our policy to make sure that these prohibitions do not impede law abiding citizens from exercising their Second Amendment rights.”

AmmoLand: Lots of AmmoLand’s active duty readers have complained that many, if not all, of our military bases are “Gun Free Zones” and that these highly trained war fighters are left defenseless and disarmed against murderers, like the Fort Hood Shooter, when they are stationed on U.S. bases. Would you have a problem allowing our military bases to set their own polices with regard to personal weapons and do away with the “Gun Free Zones” death trap?

Donald Trump:

“[gun free zones] No, not optional.  As Commander-in-Chief, I would mandate that soldiers remain armed and on alert at our military bases.

President Clinton never should have passed a ban on soldiers being able to protect themselves on bases. America’s Armed Forces will be armed.

They will be able to defend themselves against terrorists. Our brave soldiers should not be at risk because of policy created by civilian leadership. Political correctness has no place in this debate.”


13 thoughts on “TRUMP ON GUNS: “To the Left, every gun is an assault weapon.””
    1. Notice how he neatly dodged the question about his Pro-assault weapon ban position from years prior.

      I don’t trust him as far as I can throw him.

  1. Although it would be nice to have a non-politician, the one problem it has is there is really no track record of votes to back up what he/she says, so it is potentially a crap shoot.

    That said, I may have to be taking a second look at him.

  2. Since the the Rs’ took over the US senate, so much proof there about “talk and walk “.

    1. We know what would happen if the radical Blue State Dems had control of the House and Senate.


    2. Based on the last six months of Republicans being in charge of both houses, I’m not seeing a whole lot of difference. They both seem content to let us drive off of the cliff. The only thing they seem to disagree on is at what speed we do it.

  3. AS far as I know, he has yet to lie about anything. He doesn’t stammer when answering a question. And the best part, he has Republicans and Democrats alike in a tizzy.

  4. If he isn’t serious about having that blowhard racist Oprah as his VP choice, I could get behind him too.

  5. I hate the FOID card and 68GCA; but if Trump doesn’t make things worse but shuts down the borders and stops the wave of illegals, he has my vote!

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