Photo via Chicago Tribune.
Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner


Sources from the Illinois State Police have told Guns Save Life that Governor Bruce Rauner will sign SB836 this afternoon.

This is the “clean up” bill with a host of pro-gun provisions.

Remember, this is the bill that originally would have allowed non-resident active duty military members posted to Illinois to get a concealed carry license, but Democrat Senate President John Cullerton stripped out that language.

Effective this afternoon, you no longer have to unload your pistol to put it in the trunk under the safe harbor provisions of Illinois’ tortuous CCW law.

14 thoughts on “BREAKING NEWS: Bruce Rauner to sign SB836 this afternoon”
  1. Good news! Not that I every really gave a damn about unloading before putting it in the trunk (or not).

    {edited out per jfb}

  2. Good news.

    Cullerton gets bad karma points for taking out the CCW for active duty .mil!


  3. Gov. Rauner,

    I am a Concealed Carry permit holder from Missouri and a 41 year retired Police Officer. Unfortunately the Dept I retired from will not issue Id’s or creds (it was a government Dept)I would like to know why Missouri permits are not recognized in Illinois. I understand that I can carry while I’m in my car, but when I get out of my car I have to lock my gun in the vehicle where it can be stolen. I do have the required time on an Illinois dept to get my retired ID, but the department no longer exists, so there is a problem. Now if you could help me get that I wouldn’t need a CCW permit. I thank you in advance for your attention.

    1. You’re problem is you’re from Missouri. Cullerton and Madigan both know that you are not to be trusted because of that. They know darn good and well that those of us from Illinois can’t be trusted either but they can’t do a thing about that. Therefore, they exercise their anger from helplessness on anyone from anywhere in America that doesn’t have IL in their address. If you are asking yourself “Why do the dumbasses from IL put up with that crap?” Simple: Cullerton and Madigan have bought their votes by entitling their constituents with tax dollars. They get away with this because we have NO term limits and we probably will never have term limits because those two skunks would never allow a vote on something like that. It’s all called Chicago politics.

  4. You cretins demonstrate yet again that you are not mature enough to be allowed to own a gun, much less carry one in public.

    1. Actually, we are mature enough not to need to stoop to calling names to someone who has opposing viewpoints. Oh, and btw, the word is spelled “cretans”. And there is no age requirement as stated in the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. And good thing for you there is no educational requirement either because you would be out of luck.

    2. Eric got his ass owned.

      I’d be willing to bet he doesn’t believe we are mature enough to have First Amendment rights either. Or Third, Fourth, Fifth, Eighth or Tenth.

      He’s a little fascist prog is what he is.

  5. I know because u live in the north and everyone in the south knows u ain’t got no brains up there….

  6. Please abolish the FOID law. Nowhere else but Illinois requires a card to own a gun

    1. Ok 47 states dont require a stupid card to own a gun, The FOID still needs to go.

      Besides Jon are those 2 state really in the USA? they left the values, traditions and faith that founded this nation a long time ago.

    2. I left NY to return to South Carolina because of New York’s draconian gun laws. You have to have permission from a judge (to the tune of $500) to even PURCHASE a hand gun. And that’s no guarantee you’ll get the permit. You’ll just be out $500. Did I mention I LOVE South Carolina?

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