
by John Boch

Nobody has ever accused President Obama of loving his country, assuming you think he was born in America.

He works tirelessly through executive actions to make gun ownership more difficult for everyday Americans seeking to protect their families and defend their homes, while essentially giving nukes to Iran’s Islamofascists.

He advocates banning modern firearms – including America’s favorite rifle – from law-abiding American while at the same time literally delivering them across the border to Mexican drug cartels.

Even worse, Obama’s agents are allowing their sidearms to get into the hands of illegal aliens who go on to commit crimes, including murder, against innocent Americans.

He sends personal letters to supposedly non-violent drug dealers serving their prison sentences, pardoning them, yet there’s not a single word (or even a selfie) of him offering words of condolences to the families of police officers killed by thugs.

He sends his representatives to the funerals of criminal thugs justifiably killed in self-defense by police, while ignoring the funerals of police feloniously killed by the same.

Obama and his political allies express their outrage at the alleged mistreatment of enemy prisoners who have sworn their allegiance to killing our children and neighbors, yet he doesn’t utter a peep at Planned Parenthood selling aborted baby organs for profit.

Two months ago we published a piece entitled “It’s time to start screaming!”

Folks, it’s time to start screaming.

Not about the cultural distractions and manufactured “issues” such as the Confederate Flag, Black Lives Matter or Same Sex Marriage, but about Barack Obama’s war on America and our culture.

It’s time to stop sitting by and watching idly as Barack Obama continues to fundamentally change our nation.  It’s time to get energized.  Talk with your friends, write your local newspapers, contact your politicians.

If you have elected representatives that support Obama’s policies, then you will need to get out and get busy for their opposition in the upcoming 2016 campaign season.  Did your elected representatives fail to deliver on campaign promises from a year ago?  Find a new candidate and work for their campaign.

At the same time, if you’ve got a “good one” representing you in state or federal government, then you need to get busy to make sure he or she will be around after 2016.  Political campaigns are so often won by work done in the off-season, just like high school and collegiate football teams win games based upon hard work done right now in the off-season.

The 2016 election season will be here before you know it.

Don’t you dare give up on America.  Get active and get involved.  Make a difference.

Your grandchildren will thank you for it after we’re all dead and gone.


9 thoughts on “OBAMA: Limit the good, reward the bad”
  1. Same sex “marriage” is not a manufactured issue to the poor children that will be subjected to growing up in a “family” without either a father or mother. Otherwise, a great article, John.

  2. That jug-eared, feet stamping pathetic excuse for a leader will forever be known as the quisling who gave Iran the bomb and ignited World War III.

    Make no mistake: When Iran gets the bomb, they will “test” it on Israel. Israel will promptly turn the nation formerly known as Iran into a smoking ashtray. And they’re liable to turn that moonrock in a urinal bowl in Mecca into vapor as well.

    It will be ugly.

    All because our Muslim in Chief Kenyan gave them the bomb.

  3. “Your grandchildren will thank you for it after we’re all dead and gone.”

    No, my grandchildren will thank me because I’ve decided to start preparing this family for the endgame. The political avenues have been barricaded. The lines are being drawn as we speak. Whether you are prepared or not, war is coming.

    It’s time to rent “T2: Judgement Day” and recognize that Sarah Connor was a prescient role model 25 years early.

    1. I have no doubt that when The Reckoning happens the shitheads who got us into this mess won’t even have the brains to scrape the “Hope and Change” and “I’m Ready For Hillary” stickers off their cars.

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