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A spree killer shot up a military recruitment center in Chattanooga this morning, killing several and wounding others.  It may have been part of a series of attacks in various locations in that city, including a second attack at a Naval Reserve Center.

The good news is the active shooter has been deactivated.


The bad news is the recruiting center was a “NO GUNS” zone, leaving those inside defenseless against a lunatic bent on attacking innocent life.  We’ll have more on this later.

5 thoughts on “ACTIVE SHOOTER DE-ACTIVATED: Chattanooga attack on “NO GUNS” military recruitment center”
  1. The name of the shooter is Muhammed Youssef Abdulazeez, no other information has been given as of yet.

    This info is from Drudge

  2. When are the leaders of this nation and state going to realize that Gun Free Zone’s are nothing but guaranteed death zones for those inside. They are unarmed and defenseless. This perverted sense that people in GFZ’s are safe, is killing more and more people everyday. The list of GFZ killings is growing on a daily basis. Efforts to continually add to the list of GFZ’s are getting stronger and more vocal.

    Are the anti-gun folks so devoted to their agenda that they cannot see what their policies are doing? Stupid question. They are so deeply embroiled in their agenda, they don’t care if they are wrong or right.
    Continually blaming legal gun owners is their only way to avoid having to admit they are deadly wrong.

    We are living in very dangerous times and it is getting worse. Self defense is becoming more and more necessary to protect ourselves, our loved ones and our way of life.

    To be honest, these GFZ killings will continue and efforts to put more controls on firearms and legal gun owners will get more aggressive. Common sense, facts and truth do not mean a thing in this country of ours today thanks to our leaders, governments and especially the party line voters.

  3. How could the NO GUNS sign on the door have possibly failed to prevent this tragedy? Isn’t that supposed to keep the location safe?

    Yet another failure of politicians to grasp reality with our patriotic military members paying the ultimate price. It’s infuriating!

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