Photo via Corbis.

The Obama administration’s Pentagon offered some stellar security upgrades to military recruiting stations in recent days following the deadly Islamic terror attack in Chattanooga.

Close the blinds.

Just like a ostrich sticking its head in the sand, Obama tells our armed forces members to close the blinds in their office windows.

U.S. Military Tells Recruiting Centers to Step Up Security

WASHINGTON (Wall Street Journal) —The military has directed recruiting centers nationwide to step up security in the wake of the Chattanooga, Tenn., attacks that left four Marines and a sailor dead, officials said Monday.

Adm. Bill Gortney, head of the U.S. Northern Command, which oversees security for military facilities in the U.S., issued a directive Sunday night that calls for modest new security measures while the Defense Department considers more substantive steps to address threats to the facilities, officials said.

The security boost doesn’t authorize recruiters to carry weapons in the centers—a move that would require higher-level action. Instead, officials said they are directing hundreds of recruiting and reserve centers and ROTC facilities to increase surveillance and take basic steps such as closing blinds at the office.

6 thoughts on “SHAME ON OBAMA: Obama’s idea of security upgrade… close the blinds.”
  1. How about tape a picture of a cop to the window? You know, nothing low-budget and fake looking! If they post two cop pictures, that’s double the security!

  2. Disgraceful. Arm them. The left always said only the police and military should have guns, guess now it is only the police?

  3. How about pictures of all the liberals and progressive leaders on the windows. That will give them the fear of being talked to death and will keep muslimes away.

  4. So anyone who has taken any kind of firearms training should know that awareness of your surroundings is key to helping prevent or reduce the number of attacks. So now we are telling our Military offices to close their blinds so that they can’t see it coming. This is just dumb. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

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