
How unsurprising: Obama seems law-abiding American gun owners as a security threat.

WASHINGTON (Stars and Stripes) — The Army has warned its recruiters to treat the gun-toting civilians gathering at centers across the country in the wake of the Chattanooga, Tenn., shooting as a security threat.

Soldiers should avoid anyone standing outside the recruiting centers attempting to offer protection and report them to local law enforcement and the command if they feel threatened, according to a U.S. Army Recruiting Command policy letter issued Monday.


Has Obama even acknowledged that it was a Muslim terrorist who committed that attacks in Chattanooga?

“I’m sure the citizens mean well, but we cannot assume this in every case and we do not want to advocate this behavior,” according to the Army Command Operations Center-Security Division letter, which was authenticated by the service.

Of course not.  It makes the Obama administration’s ban on military servicemen carrying self-defense sidearms domestically for self-defense seem every bit as arbitrary and capricious as it really is.  Even worse, it makes it seem that the military’s ban is so nonsensical that civilians feel it necessary to protect their local recruiting offices.

It makes the Department of Defense seem weak.

Recruiters were ordered not to interact or acknowledge the armed civilians, who have been greeted by a mix of concern, indifference and gratitude by the public.

“If questioned by these alleged concerned citizens, be polite, professional and terminate the conversation immediately and report the incident to local law enforcement …,” the command advised.


Well, looks as though local law enforcement got a report about me yesterday.  Yes, I walked in despite the tersely worded warning that I would surely go to hell if I carried a “weapon” inside.  The guys I met were polite, professional, friendly and busy.  They weren’t they Maytag repairman.  The place was humming with activity and what looked to be potential enlistees.

As the incidents crop up around the country, police could be asked to confront the civilians with guns on the Army’s behalf.

Someone doesn’t understand that laws must be broken – or appear to have been broken – before the police can lawfully confront anyone.  And it falls right into place with Obama doing everything he can to handicap the good guys while empowering America’s enemies.

“Ensure your recruiters clearly articulate to local police the civilian may be armed and in possession of a conceal/carry permit,” it told the centers.

I’ll clearly articulate it:  Yeah, I’ve got a carry license and I may be armed in the great majority of my daily activities.


It’s interesting that the politically appointed commanders of St. Louis Police threatened the armed Americans who volunteered to stand on rooftops and safeguard shops in Ferguson and surrounding communities last year.  The cops, who demonstrated their inability (or frankly, unwillingness) to use their resources to squelch rioting, looting and arson, threatened to arrest the volunteers for operating without a license.  The Leftist mainstream media seemed almost giddy reporting the threats by police upon the volunteers:  “Police shut down mysterious ‘Oath Keepers’ guarding rooftops in downtown Ferguson” was the headline.

It’s hard to charge someone who is a volunteer with “working” as a security guard when there’s no compensation involved.  It would be akin to charging a good Samaritan with practicing medicine without a license for applying pressure to a bad cut at an accident scene.

When the hollow threats didn’t stand up and the Oath Keepers members continued to watch over the streets below, the mayhem stopped almost overnight.  Literally within a day or two, a couple of dozen Oath Keepers did what a couple of thousand cops weren’t able to do (thanks to being shackled by administrators on orders of the political “leaders”).

I have little doubt that Obama’s going to eventually do the right thing – or at least a “more” right thing regarding armed forces members here in America.  The last thing Democrats want is to look completely weak and impotent on protecting our troops at home when those same troops risk so much to protect us on foreign battlefields.





13 thoughts on “O.M.G.: Obama administration orders Armed Forces members to treat armed good guys as a security threat”
  1. Obama is eventually going to do the right thing? The right thing in whose eyes?
    Are you sure you’re living on this planet?

  2. It’s almost over, guys.

    Have you read “One Second After” yet?

    Get it on Amazon tonight if you haven’t.

    Iran’ll have the nuke momentarily. They only need ONE.

    Look at Club-K on youtube. There’re three ways they can hit us.

    Remember last summer? When the NORK freighter was caught in the Panama Canal Zone with the suitable-for-nuclear-warhead-tipping ballistic missiles?

    Yep, pretty soon there’ll be no more facefukc, no more twitter, no more pinterest, no more gunssavelife (too bad!), and no more ‘Merica.

    O’blowme wants us dead. He’ll succeed.

    How’s your soul, safe?

  3. Coddle illegal aliens while calling law-abiding gun owners a security threat.

    Liberalism is a mental illness.

    I can’t wait until this ahole is gone.

  4. Gun owners are truly some of the best Americans. Yet we are hated by so many. What is wrong with our country?

    1. C’mon, Russ: You know that leftist gun haters are all about feelings and emotions, not facts, logic or science.

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