by John Boch
Presidential candidate and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker made an appearance smack in the heart of Guns Save Life territory Monday afternoon, stopping at Chuck’s Harley-Davidson in Bloomington, IL.

Walker was stumping for his presidential campaign, as well as in support of Illinois 18th Congressional District candidate Darin LaHood. Both men share very pro-gun positions.

LaHood pulled me aside when he saw me and I congratulated him on his primary win. He’s excited to be in the home stretch of the campaign and will likely appear at Guns Save Life’s August 6th meeting in Peoria, IL.
He was a special guest back in June at the Peoria GSL meeting as well.
Scott Walker’s advance man saw LaHood with me, and then came up to me a minute or two later. “You with the media?” he asked.
“Quasi. Not the mainstream media, though,” I chuckled. We had a very nice little chat. I sought him out later and pointed out a couple of people who stood out like sore thumbs.
“I think this is going to get disrupted. And those folks are going to do it,” I told him, identifying the suspected troublemakers.
He came back ten minutes later. “I think you’re exactly right,” he said. “Thanks for the heads up.”
Walker’s speech
I’ve heard plenty of politicians in my time, and Scott Walker was good in a 20-plus minute stump speech. No TelePrompTer. No notes. He did well. He pointed to his success turning Wisconsin around despite some very unhappy unions, and said he could bring that recipe for success to Washington where it was badly needed.
He called out ISIS and the threat of radical Islam. He called out Obama’s feckless foreign policy. The audience laughed when he mentioned Obama’s pronouncements that global warming is the nation’s #1 security threat.
The troublemakers were fidgety amateurs. You could tell they were just itching to try out for the role of fools.
They had a couple of chances but blew them. Finally, as Gov. Walker said his final words, thanking the audience, the troublemakers started hollering and moving forward.
It is far from the first time Gov. Walker has faced off against die-hard union activists. They got about three syllables out before the music started, completely drowning out their chants or whatever they were hollering.
The troublemakers’ plan to rush the stage was thwarted by a pair of campaign people who merely blocked the aisle. Illinois State Police escorted most of the troublemakers – about six – out of the building.
Two adults remained, pretending they weren’t part of the problem.
The ISP Master Sergeant wasn’t impressed.

Nice. Needs some hickory shampoo though.
I can’t stomach the thought of another Combine “conservative” and son of an Obama administration member being elected. He’s no better than Dan Lipinski or Lisa Madigan in my book. Illinois politicians are the new aristocracy: “Daddy, can you get me a job?” “Sure, and it’ll be a good one, too. One where you won’t have to work.”
Let’s see: Can you stomach Nancy Pelosi as the Speaker of the House again?
This election is a clear choice between a staunch pro-gun candidate and a radical anti-gun candidate.
We focus on the gun issue here. This isn’t free
Elections have consequences.
No, I do not want Pelosi anywhere near any power. I’m not in LaHoods’s district. I was in Lipinski’s. I was in Madigan’s. I moved. Every time I saw those names I felt as if I was holding back from vomiting. And not just for the poor decisions they make. My family has been on this continent for over three and a half centuries. One of the things I personally despise is an American citizen who feels they deserve something because of who daddy or mommy happen to be. I may be wrong about Junior LaHood, but he needs to be a true conservative’s conservative to get away from the stain of his daddy following a worthless liar to DC for a fat federal paycheck and more power doled out from across the aisle. I would like to think that there would have been one conservative with an R at the end who would have brought up that betrayal,but maybe this guy is the best the Republicans in Illinois can come up with, which would go a long way explaining Kirk. My point is if all we have are the children of progressive politicians to vote for, we’re going to get more of the same in this state.
What part of focusing on the gun issue is a anti-union rant?
I was big on Scott Walker until he decided to stay quiet and let Trump own the “close the border” platform. That’s going to be the winning platform in 2016, just watch.
Is the woman in red one of the ones getting layed off from Mitsubishi?
That would be a durn shame if she were.
I liked Flynn better than LaHood, but LaHood is a lot better than my state senator. With that in mind, yeah, I’m a LaHood supporter.
I missed the part in the Constitution that said only one member of a given family can be an elected official.