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Remember this family?

Family to Pay Price for Trying to Sue Ammo Dealers

Could be titled:  Family to pay price for filing frivolous lawsuit.  But that wouldn’t be nearly as sensational in San Francisco.

(KNTV) – The family of 24-year-old Jessica Ghawi, a victim in the 2012 movie theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado, is faced with more than $200,000 in legal costs after a federal judge ordered them to pay attorney’s fees for four ammunition dealers the family attempted to sue.

“They have taken our daughter, and now they want to take our worldly goods,” Lonnie Phillips told MSNBC’s Tamron Hall in a televised interview earlier this week. “I think that’s a little much.”

Well, would you like to take a guess where Lonnie Phillips has worked?

Photo/screen cap courtesy Gun Free Zone

Thank you Gun Free Zone for finding this.

Have fun choking on that 200,000 judgement, Mr. and Mrs. Phillips.

13 thoughts on “CRY ME A RIVER FOLLOW-UP: Remember the family paying Lucky Gunner? Dad worked for the Brady Campaign”
  1. I sympathize for their loss at the hands of a madman.

    Beyond that, they are the lowest form of life for trying to take our ability to buy ammunition away.

    I’m with you, I hope they pay that judgement until their dying day.

  2. Have to wonder if MSLSD interviewed the couple from Oregon who are being fined $135K for not making a homo wedding cake.
    Since I don’t watch the channel, I wouldn’t know, but something tells me not.

  3. I just realized, these are the aholes who attacked Alex Jones at an anti-gun event. There’s a video on Youtube. They look nasty enough in still photos, but if you wanna see real BILE for guns, find that Alex Jones video. The lil guy almost punched him.

  4. I find it selective reporting that nobody has reported this until now.

    Lies of omission or just another day at the office for the mainstream media?

  5. So… The Brady Campaign’s new strategy to sue the gun industry when gun control fails didn’t work out so well, now did it?

    And the guy filing the suit was an employee of the Brady Campaign? That must be a complete coincidence!

  6. So… the Brady bunch induces an employee to file a frivolous lawsuit. Seems to me that opens them up to liability.

  7. Notice how they try to have it both ways. I imagine his only qualification was that his daughter got shot. Look at when he was hired. So they but him on the payroll for some authenticity. Then when they think it would look better for the law suit to come from grieving parents than a lobbying group, they don’t mention he is on the payroll. I have read that his wife also was a Brady employee.

    I assume they will declare bankruptcy so they don’t have to pay. That wouldn’t be an option for the Brady bunch. I have no doubt they could write a check today that would cover the settlement.

  8. Maybe if they work real hard as Walmart greeters they can pay this off by the time they are ready for life in a nursing home.

  9. I have no sympathy for the parents. They are the lowest of the low.
    Screw them to the wall, I say.

  10. Like most people of this ilk, the murder of their daughter gave them the idea of getting big bucks by dancing in their Daughters Blood!
    Serves these greedy sniveling slobs right, Kudos too the Judge!
    Their Daughter deserved better Parents! No real parent would try to make money off their daughters demise!

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