


by John Boch
Hudson, IL (Guns Save Life) – What would you do if you happened upon a violent domestic or have a person running up to you for help from an attacker?   How do you handle a situation where someone approaches you while you’re at the ATM?

Drawing you into a domestic/fight in public.  Do you get involved?
Drawing you into a domestic/fight in public. Do you get involved?
Best advice: the “Nike” defense.

These scenarios and many more were on tap for nearly a dozen students at GSL Defense Training’s first force-on-force class entitled “Critical Threat Management” August 15 & 16 at the Timber Pointe Outdoor Center in Hudson, IL.

Force-on-force (FoF) training is a fairly new tool, primarily used by law-enforcement and military, with proven results.  It stimulates physiological stresses by enabling “bad guys” to shoot back at trainees.  Getting shot with these specialized “marking” rounds hurts, and this “pain penalty” provides a high degree of motivation to use good technique and tactics.

One scientific study published in Human Factors termed FoF handgun training “a potent training tool to prepare armed officers for performance in a stressful real-life environment.”

It’s rare for civilians to have the opportunity for this cutting edge learning.  Credit goes where it’s due:  Black Flag Firearms Training and Fortress Defense Consultants brought FoF coursework to northern Illinois a few years ago.  GSL Defense Training has tweaked on their formula and brought this innovative training to Central Illinois civilians.

While government agencies use specially modified live firearms and marking ammunition, GSL Defense Training is using the safer, more affordable option of airsoft.  Make no mistake, while safer and less powerful, there’s still plenty of pain penalty.  In fact, the guns used leave welts and sometimes draw blood.

The training facility was picturesque and tranquil – at least when people weren’t running scenarios – with acres and acres of land and structures.   Enrollees navigated incidents which included domestic violence, robberies, confrontations, mistaken identity and many more on Saturday morning.  On Sunday afternoon, they had an opportunity to employ newly-learned skill sets to enjoy more satisfactory outcomes.  The improvements were profound.

Never quit!  Always fight through!
Lessons included incident avoidance and de-escalation, the importance of the reactionary gap and tactics to deal with both armed and unarmed aggressors.  The common theme throughout the class was to always fight through tough situations and to never give up.

Training started off with introductions of the staff and the rules for the day.  Real firearms were verboten, along with blades, outside of the parking lot except for the live-fire segments.   All of the standard stuff, including medical and safety information were noted.  The “Rules of Engagement” for the training guns were “real world”:  training guns must remain concealed unless you have legal justification to draw.  Any shooting must be justifiable under law.  All students, staff and role-players frisked one another for “live” weapons prior to starting the scenarios for safety.

Taking control of a situation.  Guy on left was going to burn the demons out of the girl.
Taking control of a situation. Guy on left was going to burn the demons out of the girl.

GSL Defense Training brought in volunteer role-players of all ages that did a tremendous job acting to make the scenes realistic.  Nothing elevates the heart rate like a teen girl screaming in fear for her life, begging for help.

Bill Martin, right.
Bill Martin, right.


GSL Defense Training also brought in Bill Martin, a guest Krav Maga instructor, who along with wife Kristin and assistants Ronnie and Mark, taught some fundamental elements of unarmed self-defense and weapon retention.  Mr. Martin teaches Krav classes in Normal, IL twice each week.





Martin began with mindset, situational awareness and stress considerations and then students were taught and practiced some basic combatives.  It was full-contact, using pads and mitts, exposing those present to options available to fight off an aggressor inside your reactionary gap.  By using some basic combatives at bad-breath distances, a good guy can create the time and distance necessary to draw or flee the confrontation.


There were also GSL Defense Training lectures on mindset, legal considerations, asymmetrical tactics and situational awareness/threat identification.  It was two full days, nearly ten hours each day, of solid learning, coupled with hands-on exercises.  Time outdoors was mixed up with (air conditioned) indoor lectures and exercises.

Don't get enmeshed in garden variety domestics.  They aren't worth risking your life.
Don’t get enmeshed in garden variety domestics. They aren’t worth risking your life.  Click for full size.
Gas stations are high-risk locations for victimization, and not just in Chicago.
Gas stations are high-risk locations for victimization, and not just in Chicago.
Live fire!
Live fire!

Students loved it as well and noted how the scenarios “made you think” in the course evaluations.

“The scenarios were true to life,” one student commented.  Another wrote how it was “real world problem solving.”  Still another:  “Great job on the scenarios.  Role-play was very realistic.”

“This class was very well done  I learned a lot of new things and got to hone skills learned in previous classes,” another wrote.

Help, my baby's not breathing!
You walk out of your local Walmart and are confronted with a desperate mother:  “Help, my baby’s not breathing!”
Most folks wanted no part of a baby that wasn’t breathing. Would you really not help take a baby in respiratory arrest back into Walmart for medical assistance?  If the boyfriend is angry and playing the blame game, give him the task of calling 9-1-1 for help!
Here’s a better way to handle a violent domestic: Approach from a safer distance from the bad guy’s blind side and shoot him as necessary.


A bit of advice: Don’t draw on a drawn gun.  Click for full-size.


Someone missed the pre-violence indicators (furtive movement, targeting, bracketing) and he got shot before he could draw. That looks like it hurt.  Click for full size.


This guy didn’t think he was going to need his CCW piece because he felt safe going camping for the weekend. He failed to adopt the Nike defense.


We told him to stay back. He still got involved. And he got cut.



Stay back from domestics.


Domestics can turn on a dime. If you’re close, you’re in grave danger.



From a student in the class (in comments):


JM on August 17, 2015 at 10:57 pm

I was a student in this class. To protect my reputation, I won’t say which picture I was in :). It was a lot of fun and I know my skill level improved greatly over the weekend.

Yep, I got shot a lot of times and brought home a couple of pellet bruises, but they’ll heal in a week or so and were a good incentive to do better. Wearing more than a tee shirt would have saved a little pain, but the weather was hot and sunny… really hot. If your pain tolerance is low, just wear more clothing.

The GSL Defense Training crew was excellent. The classroom time was appropriate but not excessive. The role playing and facilities were outstanding. Live fire range time reinforced the skills we picked up using the airsoft. While live fire range time was limited since it was a one weekend class, I still blew through over 150 rounds of ammo and didn’t feel rushed. Those were two very full days of training.

This curriculum was geared to civilians protecting themselves and their loved ones. This is a much more appropriate approach than I’ve seen anywhere else, and from what I’ve seen, this is by far the best force on force training available to the public. It would be a great course for someone new to shooting who just got their CCW as well as those of us who have been shooting recreationally for years.

I predict that in a few years, GSLDT will be known as the go-to place for advanced civilian force on force training.

Since they only have one more class scheduled for this year, I strongly encourage all my CCW friends to get signed up while there are still openings.


And another.

Jan M Cimarossa on August 18, 2015 at 5:14 pm

I thought GSL did a GREAT job, with all aspects of the class. I enjoyed the scenarios, especially the critique after the fact. Very, very helpful on what to do or think about the next time. Also, very enlightening on the law part by Steve Davis, really makes you think about what to do in any case. Thank you guys & gals for a really great weekend. Will do it again.


6 thoughts on “INNOVATIVE: Cutting edge Force on Force class for civilians a big success”
    1. $225/person.

      May be going up to $250 next year, so sign up now.

      Roughly 8 slots remain for September’s class.


  1. I can think of a lot of people who could benefit from that, but think they don’t need any training to win in a gun battle with a criminal thug.

    Seems prudent to have skills to fall back on instead of needing luck and good fortune to win.

    I’m in for next year!

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