
by Marsha Mohr

This post will not be at all politically correct, it will offend a lot of you, but it needs to be said.

I keep seeing the blame of the gun culture for the on air shooting this week. The President has once again blamed the people who “cling to their guns and religion.” The problem is, you’re all blaming the wrong people.

This shooting, like the other mass shootings, was done by a liberal. That’s as far from gun culture as you can get. It’s the liberal culture of extremism that caused this shooting, and rhetoric like that of Hillary Clinton this week will only create more problems.

The liberal media has advocated violence against gun owners and politicians repeatedly, from MSNBC hosts saying they hope it’s gun owners kids who get shot, to ads with crosshairs on Sarah Palin, to guns pointed at Ted Cruz. Just this week Republicans have been repeatedly called terrorists. That in itself implies that all Republicans are extremists that should be killed. This is a call to violence, a call to war, to destroy those who disagree with you.

This call to violence, when coupled with mental instability or a deep feeling of disenfranchisement, can seem to be a rational response, and then the only option. Powerlessness can deepen the thought that violence is the only answer. The liberal media and politicians stand and say that your only way up in this world is to take from those who have, and to give to those who don’t. So now you have a call to violence, be it outright or subtle, a feeling of being powerless, and mental illness. Nowhere in that combination is gun culture represented.

Gun culture promotes safety above all else. It promotes use of violence as an absolute last resort, and the least desirable response. Personal responsibility is emphasized, your actions are yours alone, and may affect others. Gun culture is also inclusive, not divisive. Everyone is welcomed, and more people are invited to join all the time.

This shooting, as with the others, was encouraged by and perpetrated by liberal culture. Stop blaming gun culture. I’d say take responsibility, but that’s a gun culture characteristic, not a liberal one.

10 thoughts on “MOHR: Liberal culture to blame for reporters’ live-shot deaths, not the gun culture”
  1. A psychopathic, gay, liberal, black man murders some folks on live TV, and posts it online. After calling for a (black on white) race war.

    Still not seeing how that implicates law-abiding, peaceful, and generally conservative/libertarian gun owners.

  2. Some liberal Gay Black guy gets mad and murders 2 people and we are supposed to turn in our guns.

    Plus we have the age old claim that its mental illness and we need more background checks.

    I will agree with the mental illness claims only if liberalism is proven to be mental illness.

    Other than that I’m sick and tired of the claim that we need more background checks for mental illness. Why cant we say a bad person murdered people or is that not PC?

    Oh since the cross of St Andrew is considered a symbol of violence, the shooter had a gay flag shouldn’t we ban that too since its now a symbol of violence?

  3. Gay pride.

    Just another “pride” group.

    Black pride. Gay pride. Mexican pride. What’s next?

    But when someone subscribes to “white pride”, you MUST be a racist.


  4. This post wasn’t about race, it’s about an idea on how to counter the gun culture argument. Comments like the ones above do nothing to further the cause of defending rights. To bring more people to the realization that guns are pert of the solution, we first have to open a dialog. Your comments don’t help that, and actually hinder those of us trying to make a difference. If you can’t be helpful at least stop hindering.

  5. Marsha, this is the best article I have seen to date on the anti-gun liberals’ distortion of reality on this matter. Concise, to the point, and easy to understand. The points you make are so obvious, it is almost funny (in a tragic sort of way). Hopefully I can recall your words when I have future conversations on Gun Culture with the misguided masses I might encounter. As I like to say, Knowledge>Fear.

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