
Today’s GSL Defense Training Critical Threat Management course in photos.  Force on force training for civilians.

14 scenarios today.

Wow, what a ride.


Good call.

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Those kids today!



The ladies dominated the “Campsite” scenario.  Bigtime.

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Trying to achieve a successful outcome for the minor child.

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Those guys were like the Reservoir Dogs.


Not a good idea to draw on a loaded gun.


Stress does strange things to people’s form.



A satisfying moment for a student who just got robbed of his wallet.  Not the smartest thing to do though… coming back to a crime scene.


I don’t think he made that draw in time.



Tueller drill work.


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Watching Krav Maga instructor Bill Martin discuss “The Fence” and its defensive/offensive applications.


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Don’t mess with these ladies!

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Students had a great time with the Krav Maga assistant instructors


I wouldn’t recommend choking these ladies either.  Even playfully.  It won’t be a good day for you if you do.


Krav Maga is hard work.



Not taking ourselves too seriously.

15 thoughts on “GSL DEFENSE TRAINING CRITICAL THREAT MANAGEMENT: In pictures, day one”
  1. John Boch! Man, you are lookin’ good, brother! Your exercise and diet have made you TEN years younger!! Way to go!

  2. Yeah, exercise and diet are how he fit into that skirt!

    That class looks like more fun than my last two vacations put together.

    Got any dates for next year yet?

    1. As anyone who has taken any of GSL DT’s classes now, we like to inject a little humor into these classes that deal with such “heavy” subjects. John is always willing to be the butt of a few jokes.

      Look for next year’s date to be coming soon!

  3. BEST class I’ve taken yet!! I am better prepared for the bad stuff life could potentially throw my way. HIGHLY recommend this class to everyone concerned about protecting themselves and the lives of their loved ones.

  4. This was a great class! 2 days of being in some scenario’s I hope I never have to be in or have a family member in. There is much more to being a responsible CCW than just being able to hit that black area on paper target. This GSL team puts a great deal of thought into helping the students gain a perspective that could save their life; or from making a decision that will change the way you live the rest of your life.
    What I experienced this weekend can’t have a $ value placed on it. Good job GSL Defense.

  5. Great class! I learned a lot as evidenced by the fact that I “lived” through every scenario on day 2, which was a far different result than the first day. I learned from my mistakes and from great classroom instruction. Everyone should take this class!

  6. I’d like to thank our role-players, aggressors and students for coming out this past weekend. It was BEAUTIFUL weather for some great training.

    Thanks also to the Timber Pointe Outdoor Center for hosting us and to Bill Martin, our Krav Maga instructor, for coming out and delivering a remarkable amount of material on mindset, and basic empty-hand combatives to the students over two hours.

    Of course, at the end I let him use me as his punching bag to demonstrate disarms. That’s always got plenty of entertainment value. I got a couple of bruises and bled from it a little, but it wasn’t as bad as when I got lit up doing one of the restaurant scenarios at the end of Sunday.

    Getting shot in the back sucks. Getting shot in the back several times sucks more, especially when you bleed through your shirt. I guess that’s another upside to wearing red instructor shirts… they can’t see you bleed.

    No comment on our choice of pants colors.


  7. As a student I would tell anyone who is serious about carrying responsibly that you should see this training as a MUST. It alters your thinking and truly prepares. For all the armed scenarios, it, more often than not, teaches you how to avoid using your carry piece. More Chicago permit holders should come to this!

    Okay, it was fun as well! I shot John too…. 🙂

  8. An absolutely eye opening experience! This course will really get you thinking and re-assessing what you thought you already knew. Hearing the other students feedback, thoughts and comments was a great learning point. Combine that with highly experienced and knowledgeable instructors who are more than willing to see that you leave educated, makes this class well worth the time and money.

    Anyone who is considering obtaining a CCW should put forth the effort to attend this class. I feel this course should be a prerequisite for those who believe they should carry a firearm. I attended this course with a close personal friend with whom I’ve trained with in the past. We often talk about situations and how we should handle it. The scenario training events on Saturday morning really brought to light mistakes we could have been making and made this training a very humbling experience. Sunday afternoons scenarios brought out a completely different approach to my actions, yet mistake were still made and lessons were learned.

    Thanks to all The GSL cadre and volunteers who made this one of the most worthwhile training events I’ve been to since I left the military. I’m looking forward to volunteering as a role player/aggressor in the future!

    “The training never stops, there’s always room for improvement!”

  9. Hey John,

    You gonna wear that skirt to the next Guns Save Life meeting? You better hope the anti-gunners don’t pick up that picture… they’ll be having a good laugh at your silliness.

    I really, really like those pictures and the course description. Wish I could have been there but will make it to one next year. Working on the wife. I’ll show her those pictures tonight. She’s scared of getting shot with those little BBs. Seeing other women participating will probably help ease her concerns.

    (I love you, honey!)


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