Photo via Gateway Pundit
One Black Lives Matter leader and walking freak show Eye Empress Sekhmet.

It’s about time.

The human freak show known as (hang on, I’ve got to cut and paste this) Eye Empress Sekhmet was arrested in Clayton County Georgia from her government subsidized housing for posting YouTube videos wielding a gun and a machete, threatening “open season” on white folks and to “take over” police stations.

Eye Empress Sekhmet threatens Americans.  Bring it, honey.
Eye Empress Sekhmet threatens Americans. Bring it, honey.

“That’s ridiculous to have me arrested for that,” the trashy Black Lives Matter activist whined from the back of a police car, her hands in snug-fitting handcuffs as she was about to be taken to a cage at the local jail.

She’s also big on the “F*** Yo Flag” anti-American demonstrations as well.  Yes, she’s a productive, patriotic specimen of fecal matter, no doubt.  We see what she thinks of our rights…


Image via RespectThatMelanin.


19 thoughts on “COMEUPPANCE: Black Lives Matter monster arrested for threats on whites, police”
  1. This [Person of African ancestry] looks angry,is it because she can’t be a White woman?

    (Edited by JBoch. Please, we don’t use the N-word or derivatives thereof here. Thank you.)

    1. Shut it you racist fool. As you have been told before – You are not welcome here. You bigotry is not welcome here. Your ignorance is not welcome here.

      A degenerate this woman may be, but there is absolutely ZERO room for racists in the gun community.

      Disappear. Now.

    2. Using the n-word says more about you than the person you are labelling with that ugly word. Although I must defend your freedom to express yur ignorance.

    3. To be even more correct, you don’t necessarily know that she is of African ancestry. There are blacks in a whole lot of places other than Africa. That’s the problem with the whole African-American thing-they get that title put upon them no matter where there ancestry might lie. Colin Powell for instance. I believe his ancestry is from Jamaica, but nobody refers to him as a Jamaican-American, do they?

  2. Diary of a MAD black woman (see below)

    mad (măd)
    adj. mad·der, mad·dest
    1. …
    a. Mentally deranged: “afflicted with hypochondria, depression, and fear of going mad” (Carla Cantor).
    b. Characteristic of mental derangement: mad laughter.
    c. Temporarily or apparently deranged by violent sensations, emotions, or ideas

  3. She could probably be a substitute host as First Lady. Aren’t they both of the same mindset.
    Although, it would probably have to be First Ho.

    1. First bowel movement, maybe. ‘Cause that woman is nothing but a piece a crap. Then again, that is what the whole Obama family and their political friends are!

  4. It’s too bad that racist fearless monster couldn’t be part of a K-9 training day for the police. Be the dog was too scare ****less to get out of the car with her face looking that way.

  5. She lives in government subsidized housing, in other words we pay for her apartment. I’m sure we are also paying almost all of her existence. What the Democrats and the liberals don’t understand is that this is how this segment of the population thinks, they don’t appreciate what is given them, if fact the more you give the more contempt they have for you. They hate you and believe it is their right not to work and be given everything. Should this criminal now be taken off welfare and made to fend for herself? And why is drug testing for welfare wrong? I get drug tested to KEEP MY JOB, shouldn’t they get tested in order to get free money and never have to work? This country is backwards, we need to let common sense rule again.

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